
Get guilty 10 times

  • SG Steelhead

    SG Steelhead posted the following guide:

    Every once in a while a wheel will pop up that you must spin to continue. When it lands on guilty for you, close the app and re-open it. You should be back to the wheel, which you can spin again. The spin outcome will always be the same as it was before you closed the app, so as long as you landed on Guilty, continue to spin, close, open, repeat until the achievement pops. This also works for the achievement requiring you to land on Miracle a certain number of times.
  • EightVessel6908

    EightVessel6908 posted the following guide:

    Hopeless G10:
    Get guilty 10 times

    This will require you to audited by the FBI and then land on "guilty" after spinning the wheel. The easy method described in the "Untouchable" achievement will work for this achievement also, except you'll have to do it ten times instead of five. Also keep in mind that the consequences of landing on "guilty" will require you to lose a big chunk of money and decrease your financial rate unless you have a bribe card. You get one free bribe card in the game and you can buy more if you'd like. You can get 5 bribe cards for $0.99 or 25 cards for $1.99.

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  • Hopeless 512 2
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