
You have used 5 different uniforms in battle.

  • EightVessel6908

    EightVessel6908 posted the following guide:

    Suiter G10:
    You have used 5 different uniforms in battle.

    For this achievement, you will need to complete a level in five different "outfits". Outfits can be bought to benefit your soldiers or give you command points after a mission. To access the outfits menu, select any level, then select the middle upgrade box (looks like a shirt). The following are the five cheapest outfits and their benefits:

    BDU (Battle Dress Uniform): Free
    -No benefits.
    Fashionista: 10,000 CP or 1 Token
    -Makes you look f*cking awesome.
    Scotch: 20,000 CP or 2 Tokens
    -Reduces enemy's observation range.
    Tyrolean: 20,000 CP or 2 Tokens
    -Bonus 500 CP after every successful mission

    Then there are 4 that are worth 25,000 CP or 2 Tokens (You only need to buy one though)
    They are: Vampire, Pumpkin, FDU, Tuxedo. Once you have bought them. Play level 1-1 with each of them equipped. Once you have beaten 1-1 with the final costume, the achievement will unlock.

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