Liberty City Minute

Complete the story missions in less than 30 hours.

  • MarvzMitts

    MarvzMitts posted the following guide:

    To unlock this achievement you must complete the game in under 30 hours. There are a total of 94 missions in the game. The achievement will pop after the credits have finished rolling in which you return to the game and can free roam Liberty City. This achievement can be completed in under 20 hours if you do the following:

    1) Concentrate only on the main story missions and ignore all other activities. If friends call to hang out say yes and then call them back right after to cancel plans.
    2) Use taxis to move around the Liberty City. Once in the cab and the destination has been chosen you can skip the ride and fast travel to the destination.
    3) Always go to the gun store and buy body armor to double you chances of not dying.
    4) If you die, load the last check point. This will reverse time and also save you about $10K in hospital bills if you are also going for the Half Million achievement.
    5) Lastly, but not required when faced with a choice to kill or let someone live always pick live. There are 3 characters that need to live (Ivan, Cherise, & Clarence) so that you meet them later in the game as random strangers in the streets for the No More Strangers achievement. They also need to be alive in order to complete the game 100% for the Key to the City achievement.

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