Sniper Duel

Kill a Skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 metres.


    B8TINGU posted the following guide:

    This one may seem hard at first, but there are some rather simple and easy way of doing this, I'll give you two methods of doing this I'll explain the first in detail because it s the one I use and the second I'll lightly hint on.

    Note: it take about 3 arrows/shots to kill a full health skeleton (and I'm talking regular skeletons, not the Wither skeletons) so plan accordingly.

    First off you have to have a Bow and some Arrows: Sticks x3(from any wood planks) and string x3 (from killing spiders) will create a bow.
    Arrows are made with Sticks (from any wood planks) Flint (mining gravel gives you a chance at getting some) and a Feather (kill a chicken)


    Simply go kill some Skeletons, they will always drop at least 1 - 3 arrows and sometimes a bow.

    Your choice on how to get these things but make sure you bow has some use left in it and depending on your aiming skills anywhere between 3 - 25 arrows should do the trick. I would recommend more than 3 though about 8 arrows should do you fine.

    This first method I think is by far the easiest and quickest. (You may have to be a little quick) First off go grab yourself 50 blocks of something: dirt, sand or gravel work best and are the easiest to mine.

    Simply wait for the night to come and go out and find yourself a skeleton, they are amongst the most spawned mobs so it shouldn't be that hard to find one or some, if there are multiple skeletons in the area you may want/have to kill some or just be that much more careful. Now, with the skeleton in your area but hopefully not seeing you build a a simple pillar/column by placing one block of anything and hoping on it and repeating this process very quickly until you have gone at least 50 blocks high. Just remember the skeleton has to be below the fist block you put down, so if you're in a hilly area and the skeleton starts to go up the hill and past your first block it will be to close, so try to do this on clear space or be prepared to go a little higher on your pillar (Also, if the skeleton sees you it will more than likely start firing at you and most of the time depending on how fast you are will knock you off your pillar and then you will not only take arrow damage but also fall damage) after you get 10 or so blocks high they generally won't fire at you so just be quick! You can see if there are more than one skeletons in the area how that could be difficult (but then again with more skeletons, you have more targets!) once you are 50 or more blocks high (don't fall off or you will die) look down and find your skeleton....yea it's that little speck of white running shoot that skeleton until the achievement unlocks!

    Second method, is a little more difficult to set up, but may be better if your aim is not so great. Get your bow and arrows...and you'll need a bucket full of water, (3 iron bars to craft bucket of water.) Your essentially going to be creating a well. This way you will need to dig straight down 50 warned about digging straight down though it could be all kinds of dangerous. (pit falls and lava are just to name the worst situations) Once you get 50 blocks down, start to dig your way back up, but before you do that place your water at the bottom of the (well?) you have just created. After you get back to the top of the land where you first started, you will have to wait until night for skeletons to come out.. Here is the fun part of this, somehow you have to get a skeleton into that well you just created.. You can make a small path three blocks high nd have one chase you or you could try and push one in to it, (but you'll probably take damage from it constantly attacking you, not only that but there may be other monsters nearby that want to help kill you you as well) Anyway the theory here is to drop a skeleton in to the well (if you don't have water at the bottom when the skeleton drops 50 or more blocks it will die) Now just look down the well and shoot the skeleton until the achievement unlocks..

    This second method is more time consuming and more dangerous, and aiming down single hole might not be advantageous, but this method can also be altered to suit your needs. It will still be longer, but if you have the patients then you could easily create a water slide and a slightly larger area to shoot down in to. You still have other monsters to deal with though. Unless you get crazy lucky and find yourself a skeleton spawner to work with!..

    Anyway hope this helps.

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