In The Darkest of Night

Earn a total of 50 Stars

  • MarvzMitts

    MarvzMitts posted the following guide:

    To unlock this achievement you simply need to earn a total of 50 stars across all the different game types. The max amount of stars per game type per map is three. You may also want to focus on the Frontier Defense game type as there is another achievement for getting a total of 30 stars just in this game type. Below is a breakdown of the requirements needed for each star for the different gametypes:

    Star Requirements - 1 / 2 / 3
    Pilot Hunter - 5 / 10 / 20 Pilot Kills
    Hardpoint Domination - 500 / 1500 / 2500 Capture & Defend Points
    Attrition - 25 / 75 / 150 Attrition Points
    Capture the Flag - 1 / 2 / 3 Flag Captures
    Last Titan Standing - 2 / 5 / 8 Titan Kills
    Marked for Death - 1 / 4 / 7 Marked Kills
    Frontier Defense - Requirements will vary for each Map

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