Ghost In The Machine

Hack 15 computers in Abstergo Entertainment.

Found 909 players

  Gamertag / Username Progress Unlocked
VVitchfinder VVitchfinder
45 / 56 11-30-2013
Cerlayjux Cerlayjux
60 / 60 11-30-2013
Infernapism Infernapism
56 / 60 11-30-2013
35 / 50 11-29-2013
Sighris Sighris
60 / 60 11-29-2013
GuillermoMunoz GuillermoMunoz
59 / 60 11-29-2013
TonyToeTonez TonyToeTonez
32 / 50 11-25-2013
The Toominater The Toominater
52 / 56 11-25-2013
mentoc mentoc
54 / 56 11-24-2013