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  • CALL of DUTY(said in bold movie voice), yes it’s back, but it’s not really Call of Duty, it’s Jon Snow in space! Yes, Jon Snow plays the forgettable bad guy in space. Maybe Game of Thrones actors should just stay away from space, really! With that said, I really loved Call of Duty in Space… More like a Halo in space or dare I say a Destiny(the gameplay, but not the RPG elements). ...

  • Itzz Sh0wt1m3

    Absolution is the 3rd DLC for Call of Duty infinite warfare. The DLC features the usual 4 multiplayer maps and a zombie map. All of the achievements for this DLC can be obtained in the zombie map, Attack of the Radioactive thing. The DLC costs 14.49 Euro/Dollar or your regional equivalent, or you can choose to purchase the season pass to get all 4 DLC packs for a single price (I believe...