
Found 196 guides


  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Expert Herbalist.

    Not difficult to get over the course of a playthrough since resources are quite plentiful. Wooded areas and shorelines seem to be the best places to search.

    If you want to speed this up, make sure you visit different areas of the map with different biomes to get a variety of resources.

    There’s also a skill you can unlock that makes resources appear on your minimap, but you might already have this achievement by the time you unlock that.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Snapping turtle.

    You can’t move while in prone camo so this achievement requires you to basically ambush an enemy as they walk past you.

    I got this by stumbling across a few enemies patrolling through the jungle and going prone camo in their path.

    You could also find an enemy and try to lure them over to you by throwing a bullet casing to get their attention.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for More Than 2 Weapons At Once?.

    Using the “Give All” cheat will unlock this.

    While in-game press down d pad, X, click right stick, right d pad to open the cheat menu.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Hunter becomes the Hunted.

    Wolves are tougher enemies indicated by the wings icon shown in the picture for this achievement.

    They have more body armor than regular Sentinel soldiers, but they’re easier to bring down than the juggernaut minigun guys. And headshots bring them down fine.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Simple Geometry.

    Make sure you have the rocket launcher equipped in your inventory, then select it from the weapon wheel.

    Best way to get a double kill is to target an occupied enemy vehicle, which usually have at least a driver and a gunner. You can wait by a major road and one should drive by eventually. Or if you’re attacking a base and reinforcements are called, you can target a car full of enemies as it arrives.

    Press and hold LB to aim the launcher, then fire with RT.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Get it off me!.

    When you’re tagging enemies look for one carrying a drone. (They’re indicated by an icon that looks like a quadcopter style drone, with four circles.)

    Get yourself behind the guy with the drone and put some shots into his back. You should be able to see where the drone is carried and take it out before the enemy has time to react.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for It's free real estate.

    You can discover bivouacs by stumbling across them or looking for the smoke-like signals indicating where they are, but I think the easiest way is by looking for the intel icon (the little “i”s) and selecting a nearby bivouac whenever that’s an option. (Instead of a weapon blueprint, collectible, etc.)

    No matter what this will take some time to get, but easily accomplished during a playthrough.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Cheating!.

    Activate the cheat menu by loading into any level and pressing

    - down (d pad)
    - X
    - click right stick
    - right (d pad)

    Then select one of the cheats
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Death from above.

    This was a bit tricky because I tried to be more sneaky my first few attempts. It can be difficult to find enemies while you’re still in the air.

    A more foolproof method is to be aggressive and parachute right into the middle of an enemy base, so you have a number of readily-available targets to engage as soon as you land. You can always lower the combat difficulty if that helps.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Wildland Millionaire.

    You’ll earn 100k credits pretty easily by completing missions, opening crates containing credits, and taking them off of fallen enemies. No need to go too much out of your way, you’ll get enough credits eventually so long as you put the time in.

    I recommend spending at least some of those points on vehicles. It’s nice to have some options available at bivouacs, like an attack helicopter, armored car, dirtbike, etc.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for You Monster.

    In the southeast part of the map there’s an area called Kelso Fields. Go there, and look for these tower things surrounded by fields.

    In the fields you’ll see large vehicles that look like farm equipment. Blow one up and this will unlock.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for War never ends.

    The 8 missions need to be done in one *real life* day, not an in-game day. This isn’t nearly as time-sensitive as you might think.

    The available missions reset every 24 hours. If you look at the available faction missions in the menu it will show you how many hours/minutes are left until the daily reset.

    As long as you have an hour or two before the reset you should be able to knock the 8 missions out. But if the reset is coming up soon, just wait for the clock to restart before starting the first mission.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Heart of Darkness.

    The carillons are spread across the map, but are all fairly accessible. Between fast traveling and flying a helicopter you can reach them all no problem. You don’t need to interact with them, standing near them for a few seconds will suffice.

    This video (credit to Gaming with Abyss) shows the locations better than I can explain them:

  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Born in the purple.

    You need to have Gear Level turned on to unlock this. But if you’re like me and you’ve been playing with it off for your entire playthrough, you can still unlock this.

    Once I was a good way into my playthrough I turned Gear Level on and played for an hour or so and managed to collect enough purple gear to fill every slot.

    If you have it set so that you can only carry one primary weapon, you will need to switch it to two primaries and fill both slots with purple weapons.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Come Get Some.

    You only need to finish the 9th and final level (“Stadium”) in order to unlock this.

    It’s a straightforward boss fight than can be quickly and easily accomplished with the God Mode and Give All cheats - which do not disable the achievement.

    As soon as you load into the level press down (d pad), X, click right stick, right (d pad) to bring up the cheat menu.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Take No Prisoners.

    Easy way to get this is on Episode 3 “Shrapnel City”, Level 9 “Stadium”. It’s a boss fight with only one enemy.

    If you’re like me and you always manage to miss an enemy or two, this is the way to do it.

    Just make sure you don’t kill any of the cheerleaders as that will cause additional enemies to spawn.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Competitor's Spirit.

    Under Daily Tournaments there should be one with no entry fee that only requires you to play 4 holes.

    Doesn’t matter how you do, you just need to finish them.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Golfer Versus Golfer.

    Go under Online and find the currently active head to head event.

    At the time of this writing it’s fairly easy to find a game during typical peak evening hours. If not, you can get this with a friend by searching for a game at the same time. (You can also trade wins this way to get the other achievement.)

    The achievement unlocks at the end of the match, so you do need to complete it. If the other person leaves early, it doesn’t count.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for That's What She Said.

    You turn the developer commentary nodes on by going into the game options menu.

    Once they’re switched on, start up the very first level. There’ll be one right in front of you, press action (X) to activate it. Done.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Victory Lap.

    Has to be done in online matchmaking and not a private game. I was still able to get this with a friend by both of us searching for a game at the same time.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Spared No Expense.

    A recent update has made cherished trophies much quicker/cheaper to purchase.

    To purchase a cherished trophy go to the Shipwright Shop at any Outpost. You have to be Class 30 (previously 100) in a Pirate Milestone to unlock the Cherished trophy. You unlock the Admired, Prized, and Treasured trophies at class 5, 10, & 20. You must buy all 3 of these before you can buy the Cherished trophy. It’ll cost a combined 300k gold to buy everything. (It used to be a million.)

    You need to be aboard a Captained (owned by you, or a member of your crew) ship in order to progress towards Pirate Milestones. Some of them you will reach class 30 through natural progression. Playing for 150 in-game days, or setting foot on a different island 300 times will get you to class 30 in that Pirate Milestone.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Just One...More...Term....

    Self-explanatory. You’ll easily put 5 hours into the game just by playing a campaign mission or two.

    Note that the Xbox achievement progress tracker only advances in 1 hour increments (20%, 40%, etc) so don’t worry if it looks like your play time isn’t being tracked properly.

    Progress towards this can be earned in campaign, sandbox mode, or the tutorial.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for Just One...More...Term….

    Self-explanatory. You’ll easily put 5 hours into the game just by playing a campaign mission or two.

    Note that the Xbox achievement progress tracker only advances in 1 hour increments (20%, 40%, etc) so don’t worry if it looks like your play time isn’t being tracked properly.

    Progress towards this can be earned in campaign, sandbox mode, or the tutorial.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for I Owe You Nothing.

    There’s a few ways of making Swiss bank money outside of Broker requests.

    One option is to have the Building Permit edict active, but this has political downsides and increases your building costs. Also, if you’re in the late game and not building much, you won’t make much money this way.

    My preferred method is to wait until you’ve got a well-developed island with a strong economy - perhaps in a campaign mission once you’ve completed all the objectives - and use Banks. If you research the Bank you unlock alternate work modes, and Slush Fund will divert money into your Swiss account.

    With two Banks set on Slush Fund I managed to get this relatively quickly. Just make sure that you go the whole mission without completing any Broker requests, as that will void the achievement.
  • zoid

    zoid posted a guide for I Owe You Nothing.

    There’s a few ways of making Swiss bank money outside of Broker requests.

    One option is to have the Building Permit edict active, but this has political downsides and increases your building costs. Also, if you’re in the late game and not building much, you won’t make much money this way.

    My preferred method is to wait until you’ve got a well-developed island with a strong economy - perhaps in a campaign mission once you’ve completed all the objectives - and use Banks. If you research the Bank you unlock alternate work modes, and Slush Fund will divert money into your Swiss account.

    With two Banks set on Slush Fund I managed to get this relatively quickly. Just make sure that you go the whole mission without completing any Broker requests, as that will void the achievement.