From Comic to Film


No recent news on a Deadpool movie, although I'm not sure I want Fox to do it since their last stab at Deadpool in the Wolverine movie was an epic fail. Whywhywhy would you put the merc with a mouth in a movie & sew his mouth shut? Check out the Deadpool game though- it was a ton of fun.
Originally Posted by diseased maniac
Because of this. Excuse the quality.

Demonstrates his regeneration, his re-opened mouth, his 4th-wall breaking, and his strange mental state in one tidy clip.
The Walking Dead TV show is NOT The Walking Dead Comic. It is an alternate reality. Some of the same high points are hit, but the people involve or the situation changes. And Kirkman does not write the show, he only produces. Gimple is the main writer.

Honestly, what makes the TV show so good is that it doesn't follow the comic exactly. If it did, you would get bored, and turn it off.
Originally Posted by futiles
I'm sure he gets involved in the writing sessions. His hand has to be in that pot as a producer and he has written at least one full episode on his own which he stated on an episode of The Talking Dead.

I have not read any of the comics, but I plan to borrow my cousin's TPBs and start reading right up to where we are in the show.
Anybody else ready for Cap 2? I caught the extended trailer at the beginning of Thor 2 and it looks epic. I have also been a naysayer about Guardians of the Galaxy but the trailer looks pretty funny.

Marvel & Netflix are developing series on Luke Cage/Power Man, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, & DAREDEVIL THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR (SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ).

No recent news on a Deadpool movie, although I'm not sure I want Fox to do it since their last stab at Deadpool in the Wolverine movie was an epic fail. Whywhywhy would you put the merc with a mouth in a movie & sew his mouth shut? Check out the Deadpool game though- it was a ton of fun.
Originally Posted by diseased maniac
Captain America is one of my must see movies this year, looking forward to it. I try and watch the trailer once and hopefully I can forget everything I see by the time the movie comes out. I think we will be pleasantly surprised by Guardians of the Galaxy.

I did see the news about the show. Love that it will be on Netflix, will check it out for sure.

I was never into the Deadpool comics, I did not care for his part in Origins. How does the guy bend his arms when the blades are retracted, I thought it was real dumb part of the movie. Haha.
Captain America is about a month away. Looks like Disney is really amped with how well this movie is going to do in April that they have announced Captain America 3 which will be go toe to toe with the Superman/Batman movie on May 6th, 2016.

I know which movie theater I will be sitting in...
WAT!?!? I better start working on an all-day baby sitter....
Marv- which theater will you be in?
I would like to see The Winter Soldier end with [REDACTED] becoming the USAgent. I always really liked that version of the Cap costume, but was never really a huge fan of John Walker (they just always seem to make his character worthless, even when they have him interesting). Plus, an almost entirely black variant of the more soldier Cap costume from the movies would be pretty slick looking.

And since some of the best writing in Cap comics was during the run of [REDACTED] as Captain America, seems like it is something the Cinematic Universe could do.

They made War Machine into Iron Patriot, even though, in the comics, Iron Patriot was Norman Osbourne. Just a minor detail switch to get a popular costume into their Universe.

Imagine these costumes merged:

Don't get me wrong I certainly liked the US Agent costume and if you remember (which I'm sure you do) Steve Walker once wore that outfit but my take yes, you can bring the US Agent or even have Cap wear it for a bit, but it's not Captain America without the Red, White and Blue costume.. Leave him be. With that said I wanted to know if anyone was aware or cared.. about the new DC stuff their trying to pull.. namely the integration of a new FLASH TV series.. Flash is one of my most beloved heroes #2 fork the DC universe and ranks Top 5 in all of comic dome for me, but this new costume is giving me the.. meh.. kinda feelings..what do you think?

See what I mean.. why can't I get my pic to show up?!! grrr...

Edited: trying to get my pic to show up like futiles... so far I only got the attachment to work or a direct link... double grrr
Last edited 03-15-2014 at 02:17 AM by B8TINGU.
Do you mean Steve Rodgers as The Captain? Yes, he wore the outfit before John Walker, when the government took the uniform away and made John Walker Captain America.

Yes, Steve Rodgers/Captain America is not what I [REDACTED] but an unbelievable spoiler is what I [REDACTED], for anyone that did not read the Winter Soldier story arc.
Do you mean Steve Rodgers as The Captain? Yes, he wore the outfit before John Walker, when the government took the uniform away and made John Walker Captain America.

Yes, Steve Rodgers/Captain America is not what I [REDACTED] but an unbelievable spoiler is what I [REDACTED], for anyone that did not read the Winter Soldier story arc.
Originally Posted by futiles
ah..yes I forgot about the slight name change and yea I'm very familiar with all the story arcs... You know there is a slight possibility that it could lead into an IRON WARS type of story arc too.. Depending on how they want to play with things.
They've already done their version of "Armor Wars" in Iron Man 2. They combined Whiplash and the Crimson Dynamo into the Anton Vanko character, and with him having access to the Stark Tech.

I don't think the MCU will rehash things they have already done.
WAT!?!? I better start working on an all-day baby sitter....
Marv- which theater will you be in?
Originally Posted by diseased maniac
As of now I'll be watching Captain America.
I would like to see The Winter Soldier end with [REDACTED] becoming the USAgent. I always really liked that version of the Cap costume, but was never really a huge fan of John Walker (they just always seem to make his character worthless, even when they have him interesting). Plus, an almost entirely black variant of the more soldier Cap costume from the movies would be pretty slick looking.

And since some of the best writing in Cap comics was during the run of [REDACTED] as Captain America, seems like it is something the Cinematic Universe could do.

They made War Machine into Iron Patriot, even though, in the comics, Iron Patriot was Norman Osbourne. Just a minor detail switch to get a popular costume into their Universe.
Originally Posted by futiles
I'm not well versed in Captain America, I do like both images.The movie should be really fun. Can't wait.
Don't get me wrong I certainly liked the US Agent costume and if you remember (which I'm sure you do) Steve Walker once wore that outfit but my take yes, you can bring the US Agent or even have Cap wear it for a bit, but it's not Captain America without the Red, White and Blue costume.. Leave him be. With that said I wanted to know if anyone was aware or cared.. about the new DC stuff their trying to pull.. namely the integration of a new FLASH TV series.. Flash is one of my most beloved heroes #2 fork the DC universe and ranks Top 5 in all of comic dome for me, but this new costume is giving me the.. meh.. kinda feelings..what do you think?

See what I mean.. why can't I get my pic to show up?!! grrr...

Edited: trying to get my pic to show up like futiles... so far I only got the attachment to work or a direct link... double grrr
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
Wow. I only saw some close up images of the costume, that looks like crap. What the hell is going on over at DC?
Yeah, looks like I can't get the image to show either.

Honestly, Flash just doesn't look good live action, no matter what they try:
Images were down...
Last edited 04-10-2014 at 03:28 AM by futiles.
They've already done their version of "Armor Wars" in Iron Man 2. They combined Whiplash and the Crimson Dynamo into the Anton Vanko character, and with him having access to the Stark Tech.

I don't think the MCU will rehash things they have already done.
Originally Posted by futiles
I thought 3 had more elements in it as far as Armor Wars, even though it was basically that other story line... I forget the name sorry. I was thinking 3 would have a bit more to it since they did hint at it in the first two..and with Iron Patriot..That's why I think 4 could be Armor Wars, that or if they don't completely use Civil War up in Cap 2 then maybe we got a basis for that story line? Just my opinion.

In other news I hear their working on another Ghost Rider movie...supposedly they want to introduce Danny Ketch...ugh...and here I thought they were going in the right direction and getting better...
Never got around to seeing any of the Ghost Rider movies, they certainly did not get a good response from audiences or critics if I remember correctly.
Ghost Rider is Sony(Columbia pictures) which as I have said before I wish they would just stop making their garbage movies and let Marvel have the rights back. ASM2 may end up being good but when their track record is 'make 3-5 movies and have only 1 of them be good' they don't deserve to still have the license and ruin the franchise name.
I thought 3 had more elements in it as far as Armor Wars, even though it was basically that other story line... I forget the name sorry. I was thinking 3 would have a bit more to it since they did hint at it in the first two..and with Iron Patriot..That's why I think 4 could be Armor Wars, that or if they don't completely use Civil War up in Cap 2 then maybe we got a basis for that story line? Just my opinion.

In other news I hear their working on another Ghost Rider movie...supposedly they want to introduce Danny Ketch...ugh...and here I thought they were going in the right direction and getting better...
Originally Posted by B8TINGU

I think you are confusing story lines. Armor Wars was about Stark Tech existing and being used outside of Stark, with Crimson Dynamo (Anton Vanko) being one of the main antagonist. Iron Wars even involved Justin Hammer hiring one of the Iron Man villains to provide Hammer Industries with Stark Tech in an effort to win government contracts. This leads to Hammer Industry equipment being used against Stark, and also Rhodes taking the War Machine armor. Yeah, that was Iron Man 2.

Iron Man 3 is the Extremis story arc, which I am not as familiar with, but you can read more here:

Also, The Winter Soldier does not appear to have anything to do with Civil War, as the source material is Ed Brubacher's The Winter Soldier as well as the Marc Gruenwald's 1980's story arc that involved Steve Rodgers becoming a direct employee of the US Government, his questioning of the corruption of said governement, and the creation of The Captain/USAgent costume.

Honestly, I don't think the MCU will spend much time on anything like House of M, Civil War, Age of Apocalypse, Age of Ultron (the comic story, not the actual Avengers 2 title), or really any of the storylines that complete change the entire continuity of the universe. Although, they are obviously going to do something with the Infinity Gems/Infinity Gauntlet storyline.
Went to see Winter Soldier with some friends tonight, thought it was great. I wouldn't put it above Avengers like a lot of media outlets seem to be hyping it up to be but I would probably put it in the top 3 marvel productions movies. Got trailers to spider-man and Guardians, not sure what to think of Guardians since the trailer makes it look like a pure comedy while Spider-man looks very action packed.

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