Titanfall X360 delayed... Again.

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I had a preordered copy for a while, and I was super psyched to get it next week...nope. They postponed the game AGAIN until April 8. >: ( I don't know how you guys feel, but this irritates me allot, although it shouldn't. I'm sure they had legitimate problems they needed to polish before release. I would much rather wait another 2 weeks than play a flawed multiplayer. What do you guys think?
I cant believe they can actually delay it ONE WEEK in advance, you'd think they'd have hundreds of thousands of copies ready to be shipped to all over the world ??
I cant believe they can actually delay it ONE WEEK in advance, you'd think they'd have hundreds of thousands of copies ready to be shipped to all over the world ??
Originally Posted by pieter1986
I thought that too. What's going to happen to those discs? I'm not too knowledgeable in how this works, and what I say may sound idiotic for those who do, but it seems that all the discs are just going to be thrown away. Or they could do like an online patch, I have no idea. It's just mindblowing they can just do this.
I was looking forward to playing the game, I pre-ordered it also. They did not give a reason, so who knows, maybe they have a disc manufacturing problem and they can not gt all the copes distributed and decided to delay it. I can wait a little longer as I have plenty of games to play. Two weeks is better then 2 months tho.
Some conspiracy theorists think this delay is because it might not have sold as much on XB1 as they wanted so they figured if they delay it the impatient people will give in and get it there. Considering the game is a 3rd party game I find this laughable as I doubt EA cares about how well the XB1 sales as far as the console goes and wouldn't delay making money to help MS(unless MS bribed them with a bucket of money to do so).

Considering Respawn isn't the one doing the 360 port it could just be the developer having issues getting the game stable on 360(from what I have heard no one has seen it running on 360 yet).
Considering Respawn isn't the one doing the 360 port it could just be the developer having issues getting the game stable on 360(from what I have heard no one has seen it running on 360 yet).
Originally Posted by Johndg
Exactly! I've been reading the History of Video Games and all this crap is par for the course, always has been.
You guys might as well put your money on something else... the port will never happen, the frame rate is to unstable..to much information is crash in the servers....or the plant manager forgot to order disc so they have to wait to actually press them...lol.. either way I'll end up getting both copies eventually.
I was upset this morning when I heard the news... I honestly believe this is Microsoft doing.. XB1 sales went up by delaying the game, so much that they are gonna push it back until XB1 sales start to die down. From what I read the game was not made with the Microsoft Platforms exclusively in mind. They needed a huge title to boost there sales so they made a deal with EA..which really upset Respawn. So much that they might look for a different publisher next go around. I believe Microsoft even wanted it XB1 only, and EA said no we need PC and 360 cause we won't sell enough on XB1 alone.

I work in I.T and Microsoft Products and Software has been my source of income and career path. They changed to much to fast with windows 8 and the locked down XB1, It hurt them bad. They have enough money to recover and pretend things are ok, which would have bankrupt a smaller company. With the new guy in charge I hope they can get there crap together.

Economy is down and people are hurting, $500 is not in every families budget. As dedicated Xbox fan I feel let down and disappointed. I hope it doesn't get any further delayed would love to be able to game with you guys!!. Again only the way I see it, to each there own Smile
Everything I have seen from Respawn was they went with MS because if you are exclusive to MS platforms they give you the dedicated servers for free. Supposedly Sony had no answer to their dedicated server questions which they felt the game had to have to work the way they wanted it to.

The game will come out eventually, if it was coming the 25th that would put it against Infamous and D3 which they might have felt put it at a disadvantage due to being a new IP(although those games had dates before they announced the 360 date so if that is the case it should have never been that date in the first place).
Yeah, I've heard people saying this is their way of trying to get people to buy the XBone and Titanfall on it. If so, it's not going to happen. Like GamingTech84 said, not everyone, including me, has $500 to just spend without any setbacks.
Usually, a delay at this point means that there were not enough discs/materials to ship properly.

You don't want one of your retailers with twice as many copies as another.

Also, if it is code, so what? Day One Patch. It is an online only game anyway, press/print what you have, finish the patch, everyone downloads an update. Hell, so many games have day one updates already, I'd be more shocked if a game like this didn't.
I hate day one patches, it sloppy and shows an extreme disregard for the customer. Its like putting out a half finished product then telling everyone oh we'll fix that later we just want to take your money.
I hate day one patches, it sloppy and shows an extreme disregard for the customer. Its like putting out a half finished product then telling everyone oh we'll fix that later we just want to take your money.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
What's worse?

A day one patch or a month or two extra delay?
What's worse?

A day one patch or a month or two extra delay?
Originally Posted by futiles
I thought my opinion was perfectly clear. Plenty of games to play while they perfect a game.
Some conspiracy theorists think this delay is because it might not have sold as much on XB1 as they wanted so they figured if they delay it the impatient people will give in and get it there. Considering the game is a 3rd party game I find this laughable as I doubt EA cares about how well the XB1 sales as far as the console goes and wouldn't delay making money to help MS(unless MS bribed them with a bucket of money to do so).

Considering Respawn isn't the one doing the 360 port it could just be the developer having issues getting the game stable on 360(from what I have heard no one has seen it running on 360 yet).
Originally Posted by Johndg
Yeah, I don't think EA cares one bit what MS is doing. Most people will be willing to pay $60 for a new game instead of $500 on a console that they should of released this year instead of last year.
Isn't it being developed on the Xbox 360 by someone else other than Respawn? Maybe they just can't get it right and it was only right to delay it and fix it before launching it and being a laughing stock.
Or maybe it will just never come out for the 360, its happened before during generation changes, they promised a game on one consol then just didn't deliver.
Or maybe it will just never come out for the 360, its happened before during generation changes, they promised a game on one consol then just didn't deliver.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
If that was the case, I would be nothing but disappointed in Microsoft and the Titanfall developers to say the least.
Or maybe it will just never come out for the 360, its happened before during generation changes, they promised a game on one consol then just didn't deliver.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU

Well, Best Buy has my money on the pre-order already, so they better get their ducks in a row. I don't mind waiting, but to outright cancel the game at this point would be bad.
Well, Best Buy has my money on the pre-order already, so they better get their ducks in a row. I don't mind waiting, but to outright cancel the game at this point would be bad.
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
I doubt that EA would allow it to be canceled at this point. And if they did you'd get a refund for the pre-order.

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