From Comic to Film


ASM2 was better than the first and is an obvious lead in to multiple other movies. The problem with Days is I can't say why I like it since it is a spoiler which I don't want to post here on release day.
ASM2 was better than the first and is an obvious lead in to multiple other movies. The problem with Days is I can't say why I like it since it is a spoiler which I don't want to post here on release day.
Originally Posted by Johndg
I liked ASM2 but I also didn't like it, the more I see him I really don't like Garfield as Peter Parker, his acting is a just a bit better than Hayden Christensen in Star Wars.. I have yet to see First Class because of the obvious continuity holes, but I think I will finally go ahead and break down and watch it and then go see Days...but by the looks of the trailers it looks like Wolverine 3....just tell me, do we stay thru the credits?
Sure, it leads in to the next movie which they announced months ago. At this point I would be surprised if a marvel movie didn't have a stinger after the credits(2 in the case of Cap 2).
Sure, it leads in to the next movie which they announced months ago. At this point I would be surprised if a marvel movie didn't have a stinger after the credits(2 in the case of Cap 2).
Originally Posted by Johndg
Well ASM2 didn't have one at the very end. The director said it would have been just too much as he'd already dumped loads of easter eggs and hints in to this one and it MARVEL studios that have been doing the end credit teaser, besides the prolog for ASM2 (not to be confused with an end credit teaser) really almost had nothing to do with the Spidey universe. Even though the studios have already come out and said that Spidey and the X-Men share the same universe, I highly rout we'll ever see those two franchises really crossover as in the MARVEL studios universe. (Which is sad)
Well ASM2 didn't have one at the very end. The director said it would have been just too much as he'd already dumped loads of easter eggs and hints in to this one and it MARVEL studios that have been doing the end credit teaser, besides the prolog for ASM2 (not to be confused with an end credit teaser) really almost had nothing to do with the Spidey universe. Even though the studios have already come out and said that Spidey and the X-Men share the same universe, I highly rout we'll ever see those two franchises really crossover as in the MARVEL studios universe. (Which is sad)
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
It's not likely to happen since Sony owns the rights to spider-man and Fox owns X-men & Fantastic Four. You could see a X-men FF cross over.
Well ASM2 didn't have one at the very end. The director said it would have been just too much as he'd already dumped loads of easter eggs and hints in to this one and it MARVEL studios that have been doing the end credit teaser, besides the prolog for ASM2 (not to be confused with an end credit teaser) really almost had nothing to do with the Spidey universe. Even though the studios have already come out and said that Spidey and the X-Men share the same universe, I highly rout we'll ever see those two franchises really crossover as in the MARVEL studios universe. (Which is sad)
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
No, the studios said that the Fantastic Four and X-Men share one universe, and likely will crossover.

The studios said X-men and Spider-man do NOT share the same universe. Marc Webb was slated to direct Days of Future Past, but also do Spider-man 2, so, to do Spider-man, Fox got to put the X-men teaser in the credits.
No, the studios said that the Fantastic Four and X-Men share one universe, and likely will crossover.

The studios said X-men and Spider-man do NOT share the same universe. Marc Webb was slated to direct Days of Future Past, but also do Spider-man 2, so, to do Spider-man, Fox got to put the X-men teaser in the credits.
Originally Posted by futiles
Ah, I must have misread that, thanks for clarifying... they wouldn't have fit anyway, I think a Spidey and FF crossover could do well since Spidey and the human torch are pretty good friends..

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