Achievements not syncing for Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Win 10)

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As the title says, none of my achievements for this game have synced. The game page shows the Gamerscore I've earned but 0/38 for the achievements.

I've noticed some weird stuff going on with this title. In my achievements list on my Xbox app, it shows an entry with 17 achievements and max 200GS that appears to be the achievements from the old standalone Wordament, except the game titles has been changed to MUWG. I'd assume this means it's possible to unlock those older achievements by playing Wordament in MUWG. There is another entry with an identical game titles that has the 38 achievements and full 1000 gamerscore - which is the new achievements for MUWG.

Maybe having two identical titles like this is confusing the system or something?
Seems like none of my games are updating properly. Cars 3 (XB1) is off as well. Also, the daily tracker isn't showing any activity for the last few days. Seems like my profile isn't fully syncing or something.
Bump... This game still shows 0/38.

Also the Day/Week/Month/Year stats on the right side of my profile still aren't updating correctly.

I'm having the same problem. It's giving me the gamerscore but the achievements are still at 0/38 and it says "There are 66 achievements waiting to be synced up for this game."
OK, Mike and Heating: I synched your profile and games for both of you and got these results: it look like its trying to do something, and when I go to the game page for you both it does say it is synching achievements for you, so lets give it some time and see what happens!? Sorry for the delay but I recently went through something like this with other WP games and assumed it was the same type of issues, also this game is Wordament, so I'm not savvy to why they have two different achievement lists?Hope this helps.
OK, Mike and Heating: I synched your profile and games for both of you and got these results: it look like its trying to do something, and when I go to the game page for you both it does say it is synching achievements for you, so lets give it some time and see what happens!? Sorry for the delay but I recently went through something like this with other WP games and assumed it was the same type of issues, also this game is Wordament, so I'm not savvy to why they have two different achievement lists?Hope this helps.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
Wordament (Win 8) received an update on Win 10 and became Microsoft Ultimate Word Games (Win 10). It got a new achievement list when the game "changed".
OK, Mike and Heating: I synched your profile and games for both of you and got these results: it look like its trying to do something, and when I go to the game page for you both it does say it is synching achievements for you, so lets give it some time and see what happens!? Sorry for the delay but I recently went through something like this with other WP games and assumed it was the same type of issues, also this game is Wordament, so I'm not savvy to why they have two different achievement lists?Hope this helps.
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
WP Ultimate Word Game is Wordament

Win10 Ultimate Word Game is Wordament AND Jumble AND Crosswords, and like the other F2P Microsoft games, there are daily challenges and puzzles and much more.
its not just win 10 not updating. xbox 1 are having issues as well. it says i did 4700 last month uh no thats wrong i did 5400 points last month. im solely on the x1 now n its online only so the system on gtn that picks up achievements seems completely out of whack or something a miss. ta picks up my achieves just fine. gtn does NOT
It's still saying 0 achievements for me
Originally Posted by HeatingPython58

Your profile has 85 achievements waiting to be synced up for this game and gamertag combination, lets wait a bit and see what happens, after that if you are still at 0 points for this game I will re synch it by itself and that usually does the trick.
Still at 0/38 on this game and I'm sure there are other games that are having the same issue... Also, still having the issue where the daily statistics on the side of my profile are not updating properly... Hoping this gets fixed before I try and do my 15k week/100k year in 2018.

We're over 5 weeks now on this issue...
I gave you a forced sync for this game to see if it would take, and it didn't change anything; it still says you're queued up.
I'm more inclined to believe this is tied to specific games, as I've had no trouble syncing other games and profiles. Eric will likely be able to dig deeper into this, but let us know if it comes up on any additional games in the meantime.
Still at 0/38 on this game and I'm sure there are other games that are having the same issue... Also, still having the issue where the daily statistics on the side of my profile are not updating properly... Hoping this gets fixed before I try and do my 15k week/100k year in 2018.

We're over 5 weeks now on this issue...
Originally Posted by Mike Pitch
BTW if you do the 15k in one week as long as your a member during that time you'll get that badge retroactively and if not I'll award it to you manually.
I have a very similar problem where my achievements are not triggering for this game. I have been playing it on two different machines and I think this may not be helping. To expand on this I am seeing some of the following effects.
- achievements not counting up eg Star Seeker has got to 93 and now stopped incrementing when I get more stars
- achievements not counting in some places eg it clearly shows I have 1 bronze and 1 silver for 2017 however the Go for bronze shows 1 but the Go for Silver shows 0
- achievements counting but not triggering eg Gimmie Five counted up each day and now shows 5/5 but hasn't given me the achievement.
I read above that there is sometimes the situation where they get stuck and you need to force a sync of achievements. Is this something you could do on my account to see if this helps please
Many thanks
Sorry Andy, but that sounds like a problem with your machine or your Xbox Live account, not your Gamertag Nation account. We don't represent Microsoft, so we can't help you here.
Having said that, you're welcome to hang out with our community
This is actually a not-uncommon problem with UWG, the issue isn't with Gamertag Nation. What you want to do is watch this video:

I checked mine, and it wasn't stopped like the guy in the video was talking about. But I stopped it myself and restarted my system. The service restarted itself once I started my computer up again, and the achievements that should've already popped started popping over the next 10 minutes. So I'd give that a shot if I were you. Stop your "Connected User Services and Telemetry," restart, and see what happens.

Mine just stopped tracking out of the blue, and I had finished another 5 or 6 medals in the meantime, which the in-game trackers were not registering. Once I did this, all the medal counts updated immediately, and any achievement I had met the requirements for popped.

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