The Dren's Guild (Gems of War)

Gems of War

Did you want to attempt the "Team Synergy" Achievement & 40K seals in 3 weeks??

(You may not vote on this poll)

× 13 (25.00%) Absolutely 100%, I live for helping my new guild members!

× 16 (30.77%) NO - I'm not interested in helping out!

× 23 (44.23%) Maybe - I am a slacker!

  • Added 07-20-2017 01:44 AM
  • 52 votes
Soul Forge can be found in Blightened Lands.

There are 10 levels for your Soulforge, and it can be leveled up in one of two ways, killing enemies or paying gems. For killing enemies, they can be killed in any game mode and they will be counted towards your forge's level progress. The price to level up the forge with gems gets discounted percentage wise based on your kills. eg kill half the required number? The cost is now 50% of the total.

After you have done some PVP or Explore mode go check Soul Forge to rank it up. It will tell you how much kills you have left to go till you rank it up to the next level for free. Example: 50/100 Kills.. Also it will not retain your kills if you go over so make sure you check it if your close to the next level.

Kills need = 1900 & If you want to complete it faster then use Gems = 1350


Level Kills Gems Recipes
1 20 50 Minor and Major Traitstones
2 60 75 Brown Jewels/Summoning Stone/Weapons
3 100 100 Blue Jewels/Summoning Stone/Weapons
4 140 125 Green Jewels/Summoning Stone/Weapons
5 180 150 Runic and Arcane Traitstones
6 220 175 Yellow Jewels/Summoning Stone/Weapons
7 300 200 Purple Jewels/Summoning Stone/Weapons
8 380 225 Red Jewels/Summoning Stone/Weapons
9 500 250 Celestial Traitstones, Legendary Troops and Weapons, Diamonds
10 N/A N/A Mythic Troops and Weapons
Originally Posted by Deadinside247
I used gems. I had more than enough laying there, so, I threw them into the soulforge to actually play with it.

To get the final achievement, you are going to need about 500,000 souls. Blech.

Also, I put 100K into a guild task last night because I wanted the reward from it. I still have 1.5 or 1.6 M. Something like that. It will all be donated into tasks next week, whenever you say go. (I am off on Monday and Tuesday, so, if Griffey is without power, I will be there to cover what I can.)
You will have to finish the questline in Blighted Lands to access the soulforge there (or in the mini games tab). You will also have more steps to the Drifting Sands questline, to be able to access the dungeon there (or also in the mini games tab).

Dungeon is a new daily thing, allowing you to get some soulforge materials. And, much like the name sounds, you can make anything, and it all requires souls. Make an arcane traitstone? Sure, you need some of the lesser version, and some souls. Break down a major to a minor? Sure, just need a major, and some souls...
Originally Posted by futiles
When I got the update last night I got to see it all. Thought I had just missed it but didn't.

I had to finish all the quests on both cities to unlock everything. 2 hours of GoW last night. Haven't it played it that much in a while now.
Hurricane Irma is expected to hit Florida this weekend, we have five members of the guild that live in Orlando, Tampa area. It's very likely they will be with out power or moved to a safer location. I spoke with Nightmare this morning which is why I'm posting this message.

Dave: Nightmare
Nightmares wife Glowarriur

I asking the guild if you wanted to wait another week or go as planned I think it's only fair to wait a week.
Hurricane Irma is expected to hit Florida this weekend, we have five members of the guild that live in Orlando, Tampa area. It's very likely they will be with out power or moved to a safer location. I spoke with Nightmare this morning which is why I'm posting this message.

Dave: Nightmare
Nightmares wife Glowarriur

I asking the guild if you wanted to wait another week or go as planned I think it's only fair to wait a week.
Originally Posted by Deadinside247
Neo and Griffey need the achievement, right? It would feel like a dick move to do it without them and be like, "Guess y'all should have planned better."

So, I say wait until they are back to a point where they can log in. It may be more than a week.

Side note, Urskaya came out, so, I am down to 1.46 Million gold. I will back over 1.5 shortly, though. I will see if I can get to 2 million before we do the achievement.
Neo and Griffey need the achievement, right? It would feel like a dick move to do it without them and be like, "Guess y'all should have planned better."

So, I say wait until they are back to a point where they can log in. It may be more than a week.

Side note, Urskaya came out, so, I am down to 1.46 Million gold. I will back over 1.5 shortly, though. I will see if I can get to 2 million before we do the achievement.
Originally Posted by futiles
I agree, I think we should wait until our Florida friends are safely back home with electricity.
Yeah I was already leaning that way, but I wanted the guild to know the situation and make a decision as a group.

I will send a mass message to all members on Xbox live, we will postpone till all members of the guild are safe and have electricity. It's just a game, your life is more important.

To all those in Florida, I'm praying for you,, your families and friends. Protect your family at all cost, stay safe heathly and more importantly stay alive.
So, luckily for Griffey, Neo, and Streak Leader (and I am sure others), the storm stayed to the Gulf side. However, that put Fshguy more solidly in the path.
glad everyone is OK and hopefully they will have power restored soon if they have lost power at all. Nightmare and his family lives in the Orlando area. Looks like they still have a couple more hours till the storm moves out of state.
glad everyone is OK and hopefully they will have power restored soon if they have lost power at all. Nightmare and his family lives in the Orlando area. Looks like they still have a couple more hours till the storm moves out of state.
Originally Posted by Deadinside247
Nightmare lives in Orlando? When I go there in March, I should see if he wants to join me (and Fshguy) for dinner.
At this time I am going to wait until Griffey gets his power back up. Nightmare, Jabus, Glowarriur and NeoNK1 all have electricity.

I posted on Guild Chat a date of Mon Sept 18th for our next donation date. Pending if and when Griffey get his power restored this date may changed yet again. Keep saving that gold everyone until further notice.
Update: Both Griffey and NeoNK1 are currently without power with no relief in site. I am official postponing the Team Synergy achievement gold donation event until confirmation of both these guys have their power restored.

I'll be in Vegas 18-21st
Originally Posted by pTartTX
Well, I guess it is good Dead delayed it again. But, I mean, you could bring your xbone with you...
I'll work on getting more gold, been busy with other games as well as life stuff.
Well, I guess it is good Dead delayed it again. But, I mean, you could bring your xbone with you...
Originally Posted by futiles
I'm traveling for work, I won't be able to take my xbone with me, not enough room in my carry-on.
I'm traveling for work, I won't be able to take my xbone with me, not enough room in my carry-on.
Originally Posted by pTartTX
You need a bigger carry on or a smaller xbone...
Oh yeah, I finally went 5-0 in a guild war this morning and finally beating a paragon to pop that achievement. Feel greats getting that one out of the way. Now just lots of soul grinding.....

I also have over 300k gold now.
I spent some souls last night to get Ursakya up to a gold star. I am once again gold star or better on every kingdom.
I spent some souls last night to get Ursakya up to a gold star. I am once again gold star or better on every kingdom.
Originally Posted by futiles
Awesome, I have every kingdom at 5 stars except Silverglade which is at 4 stars. Hopefully next week we will get the character Wisp and Silverglade event.
Official Date is now Monday Sept 25th. Griffey and Neo have there electricity back as earlier today. With Ptarts on a mini vacation, its only fair that we wait for them to return and donate.

They have electricity but not cable or internet services restored..
Last edited 09-17-2017 at 05:30 AM by Deadinside247.

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