Creator of Technology

Episode Two passed

  • ZexionPiece

    ZexionPiece posted the following guide:

    Episode 2
    void + glass = light bulb
    void + electricity = radio wave
    light bulb + radio wave = tv
    tv + book = computer
    radio wave + radio wave = radiation
    metal + radiation = plutonium
    plutonium + weapon = nuclear bomb
    computer + radio wave = cell phone
    energy + fire = plasma
    plasma + void = sun
    sun + grass = flower
    sun + flower = sunflower
    tree + flower = apple
    sand + tree = palm tree
    seeds + energy = coffee
    void + airplane = rocket
    Void + rocket= Satellite
    Radio wave + fire = laser
    laser + book = cd
    metal + water = quicksilver
    quick silver demigod= philosper's stone
    Apple + cell phone = gold
    human + computer = cyborg
    computer + computer = internet
  • EightVessel6908

    EightVessel6908 posted the following guide:

    Creator of Technology G15:
    Episode Two passed

    This achievement is easy, if your struggling to find reactions click the link below, it will take you to a wiki showing you every combination needed to reach level two. Do all of these and the achievement will pop.


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