Tactical Recall I

Grineer Drahk Masters are capturing feral Kubrow! Go to Earth and eliminate the Drahk Masters.

Found 18 players

  Gamertag Country Completed
Crigsterz Crigsterz 12-11-2015
Aways07 Aways07 12-11-2015
ExoSin ExoSin 12-11-2015
xBlack Love xBlack Love - 12-11-2015
lucasgodfall lucasgodfall 12-11-2015
Player246785740 Player246785740 - 12-11-2015
DarkVirgil89 DarkVirgil89 - 12-11-2015
The Lord Peanut The Lord Peanut - 12-11-2015
Tlizzleone Tlizzleone - 12-11-2015
FIVWPPJ FIVWPPJ - 12-11-2015
WildPipes WildPipes - 12-10-2015
PLAYBOY160483 PLAYBOY160483 12-10-2015
BarrelScarab8 BarrelScarab8 - 12-10-2015
SirRookie17 SirRookie17 - 12-10-2015
Rubl3l Rubl3l - 12-10-2015
iFacad3 iFacad3 - 12-10-2015
Jessie5982 Jessie5982 - 12-10-2015
B0ngAAA B0ngAAA 12-10-2015