
Found 2 guides


  • VisibleRaptor5

    VisibleRaptor5 posted a guide for Happens to Everybody.

    This will unlock naturally (unless you are really good at it). Simply tap on a square next to a number. You will likely land on a mine. Some are very obvious. For example, if you see a square surrounded by eight "1s", tap that square in the middle and you will uncover mine and unlock the achievement.
  • VisibleRaptor5

    VisibleRaptor5 posted a guide for Long Time No See.

    You have to play one of the mini games and stay off for a while. The smallest time frame to remain away from the game is unclear. Some folks tend to stay off for a little as one week to as long as over a year to get this. A quick way of doing so is to set your PC to a year back, play a mini game, close the game entirely, set PC to correct time, reopen game and play one of the mini games. The achievement should unlock after this.