
Found 1 guide


  • LucasEVille

    LucasEVille posted a guide for Collector's Edition.

    I utilised this useful checklist from "SeeWaffleRun" (full credit to them).
    It has individual comments for specific items with its unlock info, etc.

    Utilise the collections tab on your menu to check your current unlocks on the list, so you know what you have remaining.

    The achievement requires:

    9 Tools - Focus potion, Thunderbrew potion, Chinese chomping cabbage, Erudus potion, Invisibility potion, Mandrake, Maxima potion, Venomous Tentacula and Wiggenweld Potion.

    150 Revelio pages
    Only pages that you must use revelio to reveal count towards this collection, Moth mirrors, flying pages, dragon braziers etc. are not needed for this.

    67 Enemies - unmissable as long as you complete all the "infamous foe" travel areas.

    78 Appearances - DLC appearances not required to finish this.

    13 beasts - Diricawl, Fwooper, Purple toad, Graphorn, Hippogriff, Jabberknoll, Kneazle, Mooncalf, Niffler, Phoenix, Puffskein, Thestrel and Unicorn.

    13 Brooms - sourced from balloon pop challenge, from the broom shop in hogsmeade, and from sellers out in the highlands

    Leopold Babcocke - Northfield Big
    Arn - Hogwarts valley
    Priya Treadwell - South sea Bog
    Rohan Prakash - Cragcroftshire

    75 traits - primarily from bandit camps, but also some linked to challenges and quests.

    42 wand handles - from collection chests.

    16 ingredients - pretty much passively achieved if you are looting plants, and dead NPCs, beasts etc, throughout the game.

    Conjurations - decorations and stations for your room of requirement, found in collection chests, purchased from Hogsmeade, and some near butterflies. Don't forget to thoroughly search the beast vivariums in your room of requirement, they also contain chests with conjurations.

    Credit to:
    SeeWaffleRun - for checklist
    Vinifrida - for structure of guide and inspiration