Sneak King

Creep King

The commercials of the King were creepy to begin with. The game loads up with the King in a darkly lit driveway like he is going to be doing some peeping (and he will), making the game just as creepy as the character appeared to be on TV. The objective of the game is to sneak up on people with your " Majestic Calves " and deliver Burger King food to the hungry masses. You need to do this as quietly and as stealthy as possible for an A rating. There are a number of factors that will help you get a high rating / score. One of the factors being how close you can get to your hungry target before pouncing on them with your food stuffs. It gets really creepy when there is a guy bending over his car looking under the hood and you need to make your move. The King doesn't care he'll rub his royal pantaloons anywhere, he answers to no one, and he will get up into people's business to deliver his tasty goodness. Game play is decent for a company that just wanted to take advantage of the Xbox 360's popularity to further their brand. There area couple of parts in the game that just will make you want to throw your controller because of that A rating ( I'm looking at you Cul-de-sac Mission 15). If you want to complete the game you will have to suffer through it to get all the achievements, maybe you will get lucky and only have to restart that mission a couple of times. Otherwise the game is fairly decent and entertaining for an arcade game.
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