Microsoft Jackpot (Win 8)

Mixed Feelings...

This is kind of a fun slots game. Good time waster. Most achievements are very easy, but the get to level 70 one and Oceans 10 can be downright horrible. It is somewhat entertaining though and it is free!
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  • thanatos8285 Ha, no mixed feelings here. Exclusively negative. To each their own of course, glad you were able to take some enjoyment from it.

Other reviews from RunSmith14

  • This is a fast paced , very scrabble...ish game. You are trying to create words to attach the words already on the board, and you are competing with other people playing at the same time. There is nothing different with this version then the WP8 and Windows 8 version. If you enjoyed those, you will enjoy this. Plus more achievements for the same game!!!

  • This game will provide much entertainment if you are a fan of puzzles (obviously). The achievements are easy and not especially time consuming with the exception of the three bonze, silver and gold achievements. Which, much like other Microsoft windows 8 games require you get a medal a month. So the 12 bronzes achievement will take you an entire year!

  • This is a fast paced , very scrabble...ish game. You are trying to create words using the available letters. You can move vertically, horizontally and diagonally, and you are competing with other people playing at the same time. It really is very addictive and is available on multiple platforms. If you enjoyed those, you will enjoy this. Plus more achievements for the same...

  • This is a fast paced , very scrabble...ish game. You are trying to create words using the available letters. You can move vertically, horizontally and diagonally, and you are competing with other people playing at the same time. It really is very addictive and is available on multiple platforms. If you enjoyed those, you will enjoy this. Plus more achievements for the same...

  • This is a fast paced , very scrabble...ish game. You are trying to create words using the available letters. You can move vertically, horizontally and diagonally, and you are competing with other people playing at the same time. It really is very addictive and is available on multiple platforms. If you enjoyed those, you will enjoy this. Plus more achievements for the same...

Showing 5 of 10 reviews