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Find any new funnies? Oldies but goodies? Share em...we like to laugh too!

Some of these are a little...um....more mature than I thought, not saying to stop, just please be aware this is an all ages site. BTW loved that dog one...lol.
Originally Posted by QuiCkz Ninja
I don't understand why that is funny...

Can someone please tell me how to post a pic like those up there? I've tried with others and wasn't so successful. Remember to make it step by step, like you's explain it to a grade schooler...lol.. Please!!
Can someone please tell me how to post a pic like those up there? I've tried with others and wasn't so successful. Remember to make it step by step, like you's explain it to a grade schooler...lol.. Please!!
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
There are two ways. You can click on the "Insert Image" button in the top of the editor to get the ability to link to a web image like this:

Or, you can click the manage attachments button and attach from your PC. And then link to them using the same insert image but with the new attachment location. Like this:

(You know, if you "reply" to someone's post with images in it, you can look at the image code they used...)
File Type: jpg

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