The Happiest Happy Birthday Thread

General Chat

Today the great site of Gamertagnation was born, It's suspicious to me.. Now why isn't there a badge for logging in for today?
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
Well, the Party badge should count in that
Well, the Party badge should count in that
Originally Posted by porschephiliac
That is a good observation...hmm..
But I'm always in favor of free badges. Add it to the list!
I'm going to say that I'm saying this fashionably Putting out Birthday wishes to community member so why not pop over and leave a comment or a wish too...
A very happy of happiest birthday to one of or resident staff members
Stop by and wish him a happy birthday will ya, because without him a lot of stuff would still be broken around here. Thanks fsh for all that you do.
It's my Birthday today. If you don't have the badge and you want it stop by my profile. Wish me a Happy Birthday if you do. It's the first time in over 15 years where I won't be spending it with my wife. She's three states away training for her new job. Today feels strange. My little girl wants me to open presents, but I don't feel like it. i think it would be incomplete without my better half.
It's my Birthday today. If you don't have the badge and you want it stop by my profile. Wish me a Happy Birthday if you do. It's the first time in over 15 years where I won't be spending it with my wife. She's three states away training for her new job. Today feels strange. My little girl wants me to open presents, but I don't feel like it. i think it would be incomplete without my better half.
Originally Posted by Infected Stray
That's cheating!! Sorry to hear you won't be with your wife, but you still have your Little girl and I say you should at least open one present for her!!

Ok so there you have it.. some people are just impatient and need to hog the spot so please head over to and wish this gamer a big happy birthday.. it counts for comments to you and he gets a profile view, which also counts for a badge!
Woa, with all the goings on around I almost forgot today was community member Endersfire found here:
Birthday today, so stop by say hello and wish this gamer a happy birthday!
Need a badge? Or you want to do the nice thing just because....its someone's birthday either way head over to and wish him a happy birthday!!
If you don't know it, today is community members SG STEELHEADs' birthday!
He's not only pretty damn good gamer to have around but also a one time Member of the Month and I hear a great father too.. even if he likes the Steelers...
Today is not only a glorious Friday the 13th, but also one of our newer community members birthdays, so why not head over and wish Musquito a great day...before something bad happens...then you'd feel pretty bad now wouldn't you? Here's a handy link for you to use!!

and to all those newer members you might end up getting a badge your self!
Wow talk about cool there are two 13th babies now that I know of! Including myself Just not this month here is another community member you may wish to throw some well wishes too, Badson42 this guy I know personally and I think he's pretty much pure awesome, he really is a good guy to know and that has nothing to do with him being n my GTASC team this year..

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