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Star up 30 cars

  • EightVessel6908

    EightVessel6908 posted the following guide:

    Show Off G140:
    Star up 30 cars

    This achievement it's hard and take a time, also you have be patience to unlock this achievement. You don't have to "Star up 30 cars" to get it. What you need is "Star up 30 times in total across different cars". I mean, if you're star up with blueprints a car two times, it counts at two. Some cars like the Ferrari "La Ferrari" has 5 stars, So you can Star up it up to 4 times, and that is the number that counts to this achievement. I managed to unlock it with only 24 cars on my garage, also my garage level is 9, because I starred up more than once some of them. I don't even unlock any Class S car yet! So you will get this one earlier than the "Unlock 30 cars" achievement, surely. Thank you Smile

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