One-Hit Wonder

Deal 10000 or more damage in one hit. It takes a warrior's all to deliver such a fantastic blow.

  • Lianhua4646

    Lianhua4646 posted the following guide:

    You will very probably get this achievement while playing the main story (starting at around level 35). Try to get some critical damage bonuses and do the finisher Shionne + Alphen on a group of ennemies.

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Related Achievements

  • One-Hit Wonder 48
    Deal 10000 or more damage in one hit. It takes a warrior's all to deliver such a fantastic blow.
    Gamerscore 15
    Very Rare
  • One-Hit Wonder 12
    Deal 10000 or more damage in one hit in the Tales of Ariseā„¢ main game story.
    Gamerscore 15
    Very Rare