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Upload a 2P Lucia & Dante Platinum Trial

  • MarvzMitts

    MarvzMitts posted the following guide:

    I really like the name of this achievement (A play on the name Lucia). It is another easy achievement to unlock. You simply have to create a Platinum level trial and upload it to the EA servers. Go down to the Create/Upload trials, select create trial and follow the on screen instructions on how to create the trial.

    A platinum level trial needs to have a point total above 7,500. This trail needs two players so chose Dante and Lucia as the 2nd player. The other tips that will help you get over 7,500 points is setting the combat difficulty to Inferno. You will want to max out the number of enemies in a wave setting their health to the max and their style of fighting to Brutal.

    Once the wave is set up you can duplicate the wave to get to the desired points needed by pressing the right trigger. Once the trial has been set up hit the Back button on your controller. Use the Save and Exit option, give the trial a name which saves a copy on your local hard drive. Select the Platinum trial from the list and hit Y to upload it to the EA servers unlocking the achievement.

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