Trick 15

Complete a 15 Trick Combo in any run!

  • thanatos8285

    thanatos8285 posted the following guide:

    Updated 06-04-2018 05:36 PM
    I was able to get this on the school level. It wasn't easy, and it wasn't fun, but it WAS free.

    First, make sure you do this in timed mode. The reason for this is that if you bail, your run isn't over. You rewind to before the obstacle or wherever your combo started, and you get to try again. This is helpful because my method for getting this relied on one specific area of the level, so if I messed up my combo, I could just deliberately bail (by holding a grab or flip too long), and get to immediately try again. It didn't always help since it was random, so I didn't always get a lot of time to play with once the right part of the level generated, but I still recommend timed mode just for the times it does help.

    If you want to try my way, you're looking for an area inside the school. There will be a long rail in the left-most lane, followed by a concrete awning, followed by another long rail. I did this with Eddie Genericson and 1 upgrade to his air, and I do think you need at least level 2 air to get up to the concrete awning. For the first rail, ollie, do a grab trick, and land in a grind as far back on the rail as you can. You'll need to fit in 2 more ollie+grabs+grind combos on this rail. At the end of the rail, you need to ollie up to the awning. You can't do this with a quick tap of the button, you need at least a moment or two to charge your ollie to get enough height. You won't have time to hit a trick on the way up to the awning, so you'll just have to go straight into another grind. On the awning, you'll have time to fit in one ollie+grab+grind before coming to the end, at which point you'll ollie+grab+grind onto the next rail. Sometimes the Mother of Pearl gap triggers here, sometimes it doesn't. I couldn't identify a reason why this did or didn't happen. I think it's just buggy. On the second rail, you'll need to fit in 2 more ollie+grab+grind combos, then ollie+grab out of the combo at the end. This should net you a 17-trick combo if the gap triggers and 16 if it doesn't. This achievement is buggy so even if you hit the combo, the achiev might not pop. Just keep trying.

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