The Scientist

Reach Breakdown Level 6.

  • MarvzMitts

    MarvzMitts posted the following guide:

    Updated 02-22-2017 11:09 PM
    To unlock this achievement you simply need to leave Trumbull County in the RV six times during a Breakdown game. Level one of Breakdown will start with you choosing a home base. Breakdown works in the same manner as the main game where you scavenge for resources, kill zombies, and build up your community. Early in the game you will be given a mission to locate a RV. Once you find it you will have to complete some tasks to make the RV drive-able, like repair the engine or get fuel (depending on the Breakdown level). Once you move to the next Breakdown level all the world resources will reset. You will then have to re-establish an new community, basically starting the game over from scratch.

    The higher the level the harder the game will become. The one silver lining for going from one Breakdown level to the next is that your active character, all the Supply Locker contents, and all the researched facilities items will carry over to the next level. For example, you will not lose the ability to make Pipe Bombs once it's researched moving forward. That said I recommend maxing out all the facilities and your character before advancing to Breakdown level two. It will make the process a little more tolerable and slightly easier to get all the way to Breakdown level 6 for the achievement to unlock.

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