
While using Gamertag Nation you can earn the badges listed below; the ones you earn will appear on your profile, and the total count will appear next to your username every time you post on the forums.


Found 554 badges worth 5,390 BP

Wishful Thinking

Add a game to your wish list.

5 BP

395 Members

Wishful Thinking II

Add 10 games to your wish list.

10 BP

195 Members

Wishful Thinking III

Add 25 games to your wish list.

10 BP

161 Members

Witcher School Valedictorian

Complete any game in The Witcher series.

15 BP

333 Members

Word Puzzlemaniac

Complete any game in the POWGI series.

5 BP

640 Members

Xavier Institute

Play any game in the X-Men series.

5 BP

1,532 Members

Y2K Completionist

Complete any game with 2000 or more accumulated Gamerscore.

5 BP

2,816 Members

Y3K Completionist

Complete any game with 3000 or more accumulated Gamerscore.

5 BP

2,068 Members


Way to go! You've connected your account to Yahoo.

5 BP Retired

153 Members

You Are Cordially Invited

Send an email invitation to someone from the Invite Friends page.

5 BP

246 Members

You Beta Believe It

Sneak a peek at the future by participating in the GTN 7.0 beta program.

5 BP

187 Members

You Found a 404

Well, this is embarrassing. You've found a 404 "Page Not Found" error on the site.

5 BP

858 Members

You're Doing It Right

Login to GTN from the Edge browser on your Xbox One or Xbox 360.

5 BP Retired

254 Members

You're Not Allowed

Add someone to your block list.

5 BP

120 Members