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  • If you're a fan of Dungeons & Dragons by way of pen and paper. Or you rolled some dice in your day like I did when I was a kid. Then you will find Neverwinter to be a fun nostalgic run through your past. I have loved leveling up my Dark Elf Rogue and running into creatures from those old Monster Manuals like Gelatinous Cubes, Mimics, Gorgons and Beholders oh my. You will get a...

  • With this being the first MMORPG I've played, maybe I'm not the best person to review it. But maybe it just gives me a different angle on the game. Here goes. First point is, it's free. You will hear a lot of people saying that you HAVE to spend money to play it. But in reality, spending money just progresses you through the game quicker. Anything that...

  • Holy crap, I played the tutorial and quit the game. Actually I played it once and thought, what crappy graphics, then a badge came out for it, so I played it for the badge. The longer story is I know people have been playing this and enjoying it for hundreds of hours and never will finish it. If you want to sink your life into this game, you may not play...