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  • The best out of the Farcry series, loved how they put references towards the awesome films of the 1980's: Terminator, Terminator 2:Judgement day, Predator, robocop, and Evil Dead. The most badass gun on the game is definitely the Terror 4000.The free roaming system on this game is amazing, with the cybernetic animals, Garissons, cyber enemies and the blood dragons. Michael Biehn...

  • Before playing this and I found the world to be a dark and scary place. I was always alone, moving through the daily routine like a robot. My life was like a Creed CD on loop, awful. Suddenly out of the monotonous pit of my life came a blessing in the form of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. This game made me understand what that guy from The Cure was talking about when he...