
Found 500 guides


  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Live Wire Locksmith.

    This is NOT 15 unique, meaning you can repeat the same easy puzzle over and over. If you haven't gotten this before the game is over, you will most certainly get it grinding for level 70 portal master.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Good habits.

    I know many people complained about this achievement being buggy. Theories range from "it's broken" to "time zone", but I just made sure to solve a puzzle or two at various times of the day and always exited the game cleanly. This popped right on time for me.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Tessa's Traveler.

    Tessa is at the top of the right staircase in the Academy. She will only give three quests a day, and they all are for going through the train level to save someone. Short and pointless, but after a few days you will have this achievement and never have to do it again.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Hugo's Hero.

    Hugo will only give you three quests a day. He's on the left staircase at the Academy. His quests consist of doing vehicle challenges, usually asking you to do ones you haven't done yet.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Eon's Elite.

    Unlike previous games, you can start directly on Nightmare mode. I would recommend this because this is actually much easier than previous games because there are less bullet hell dodge modes for boss fights which have been replaced with vehicle scenes (which are almost impossible to fail).
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Pair of Quarters and a Nickel.

    This will require replaying levels and grinding to attain. When choosing portal master bonuses, always pick one that gives you more Portal Master Exp and always choose anything that gives you extra wish stones. Then replay any checkpoint that has a few chests in the beginning, get the rewards from there, and restart. You will amass stones and exp this way, skipping almost all gameplay. After you have gotten all the hats out of the way, your wish stones will be all cash or exp. Just be sure to switch out to someone who needs the exp so you're not 'wasting' it on a maxed out figure when you turn in the wish stones.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Pair of Quarters, Pair of Dimes.

    This will require replaying levels and grinding to attain. When choosing portal master bonuses, always pick one that gives you more Portal Master Exp and always choose anything that gives you extra wish stones. Then replay any checkpoint that has a few chests in the beginning, get the rewards from there, and restart. You will amass stones and exp this way, skipping almost all gameplay. After you have gotten all the hats out of the way, your wish stones will be all cash or exp. Just be sure to switch out to someone who needs the exp so you're not 'wasting' it on a maxed out figure when you turn in the wish stones.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Ooh, Shiny.

    There are 16 emblems to earn in the game, so this requires you to get 12 of them (duh). While that sounds generous, there are 4 emblems that you cannot get unless you by more than the starter pack - three for earning medals in land/sea/air races & one for completing the elemental gates in the Academy. This means you will have to grind out things like coop levels or online races, the rest will likely be gold by the time you finish the game.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Resident Online Roller.

    For all of the online matches, you will need a boosting partner because there is NO ONE playing this game anymore. You can speed it up quickly by hitting start to skip the dialog. Go to online vs battle and pick the house because that level only has a one minute timer. Also be sure to have the Royal Bonus on because that will net more cookies.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Frequent Online Roller.

    For all of the online matches, you will need a boosting partner because there is NO ONE playing this game anymore. You can speed it up quickly by hitting start to skip the dialog. Go to online vs battle and pick the house because that level only has a one minute timer. Also be sure to have the Royal Bonus on because that will net more cookies.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Dino Hunter.

    I ground this out in the caves in the level "Death Valley", but honestly there was no reason to do this because the knife is the best way to deal with dinosaurs and there are plenty more raptors in the game so just use your knife all the time. Its an instant kill if you get the animation.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Man or Animal.

    In the level Bad Blood, you'll enter a facility and a lot of people grind out this achievement right after getting in, but I found it to be better after your first cut scene you'll go down a small incline and three guys will come running from the left. Quickly hide to your right and one soldier will walk past for an easy stealth kill, then turn the corner to the right where another soldier will be set up for a stealth kill.

    SAVE and reload. You must save to have those two kills count. Yes that means 50 reloads, but it's fast and reliable and right after a checkpoint. That's why I like this spot.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Coming out Ahead.

    The best way to keep your points up is to play on Hard. If you start to run into trouble, you can drop the difficulty mid match (or anytime after you've reached the point value needed).
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Fast Fingers.

    Hire a thief group then wander the city killing guards. Make sure you 'linger' around you will see the thieves loot the corpses of the guards. Shouldn't take long as long as they don't get caught up on the geometry or die. If so, just hire more thieves.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Delivery Boy Award.

    Like all of the mini games in Bee Movie, this is tedious. I never failed because of time, only because I lost too many pizzas. So corner slow and take your time, you'll make it easily.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Sidekick.

    In Crime Scene mode (multiplayer), you must be standing close to the person who does the most scanning on the evidence. These show up as assists in the match summary. 10 assists gets you the achievement.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Punch Drunk.

    Very simple, just beat down ten people with your fists, don't use weapons. Do NOT use finishing moves, that counts as finishing move not fists. It will say at the top of your screen that you killed them with your fists.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Flambe.

    Fastest way to get this is start up the Practice Arena in the Bloodshot Fight Club: thugs, one at a time, exotic melee, Molotov cocktails. The thugs sometimes come out with "antlers" for that achievement, you can grab many Molotov right there to work on that achievement, and the foosball piece will be up against the wall so you can work on that.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Brick Wall.

    In multiplayer, you must block using RT and LT at the same time you are getting struck. If you hold your hands up and get hit it doesn't count, you have to do it at the right time so they stumble back.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for GOOOAAALLLL!.

    Fastest way to get this is start up the Practice Arena in the Bloodshot Fight Club: thugs, one at a time, exotic melee, Molotov cocktails. The thugs sometimes come out with "antlers" for that achievement, you can grab many Molotov right there to work on that achievement, and the foosball piece will be up against the wall so you can work on that.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Sleuth.

    In level 2 where you are looking at the body, choose the following:

    Head: Select Adult Male
    Clothing: Police Officer Uniform
    Badge: Police Badge 46
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Craft Maniac.

    I was having lots of problems with this one. I tried to create 30 different types at the crafting station, and I probably made over 100 bombs at the crafting station and still nothing. Turns out, the ones you make at the station DO NOT count! I stood at the station, built one of each of the three types, then quit the station. Then if you hold the RB to open your item select, use the right stick to point to each of the three and use X or Y to craft from inventory. Then simply open the crafting station back up, break down your recently crafted bombs, quit out and create from inventory again.

    After I crafted them on the fly like this, the achievement popped right at 30 (not 30 unique, I only made 3 different types here).
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Sniper Bee.

    Updated 08-16-2015 04:33 PM
    I haven't seen any comments anywhere about people having problems with this achievement, but I seem to. How can I get the three achievements for killing wasps, hornets, and dragonflies at 100 each but not get this?

    Edit: I'm screwed, I have it on the wall of badges, but never got the cheevo.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for More Heist Less Speed.

    It was VERY easy for me to do this. I spent over 10 hours just in the city (hub world) doing side missions. Even now after I've beaten the game, I'm over 20 hours and still have no doubt a ton more time to do. Even though you do get to play in the world after the final cut scene, some achievements (like this one) I have a feeling you have to get before then.
  • Kaens

    Kaens posted a guide for Listener, Dark Brotherhood.

    In my less than humble opinion this was the BEST achievement for the BEST storyline, in the BEST game, of the entire 360 generation.