
Found 2 guides


  • assassincreed83

    assassincreed83 posted a guide for Anything Else?.

    Complete Mission 9 Kylo Ren is unlocked. Buy Kylo Ren for 250,000. Select Starkiller Base - Starkiller Sabotage - Starkiller Shield Room in free play as Kylo Ren. Hit the computer 3 or 4 at first. Switch to the second player changing to Stormchooper.Open the gate and hit 1. After that it is a cut scene. There are 2 computers you must destroy before you press A into a blust battle.One you press Down and see it,the other is in the right.After these two,you can join the blust battle and use the LT and RT/X button force to hit the computer near the main room.
  • assassincreed83

    assassincreed83 posted a guide for Anything Else?.

    Complete Mission 9 Kylo Ren is unlocked. Buy Kylo Ren for 250,000. Select Starkiller Base - Starkiller Sabotage - Starkiller Shield Room in free play as Kylo Ren. Hit the computer 3 or 4 at first. Switch to the second player changing to Stormchooper.Open the gate and hit 1. After that it is a cut scene. There are 2 computers you must destroy before you press A into a blust battle.One you press Down and see it,the other is in the right.After these two,you can join the blust battle and use the LT and RT/X button force to hit the computer near the main room.