
Found 50 reviews


  • I know I know, everyone thinks the first season is the best. Yes that season is amazing and Lee is such a stronger character, I'm with you. But I recently replayed this there are some really powerful moments in here. Trying to keep spoiler free, I'll say the ending was very strong and I would say MORE powerful than the first because you have to make a decision...

  • The bleep construction zone! Am I right? Anyone who's tried to complete this game know what I'm talking about. Overall this game is fun, and if you were playing with all humans it would be even more fun. But playing against the AI is frustrating because the AI doesn't get stuck in the geometry or along a wall. These problems get worse as you go up to 150cc...

  • "A side scrolling stealth game? Huh? No way that will work, they'll make a mockery of stealth!" That's what I thought when first heard of this game, but damn was I wrong! This game does a great job of showing you exactly where you can be seen and what your current status is. That reminds me of early Splinter Cell where they added the light and sound meters, it's...

  • I know nearly everyone looking at this will roll their eyes hard at the title and look of this game. And not being able to read Japanese made this much harder than it already is, but the further along I got the more I got hooked. This game is designed so you fight your way through levels, leveling up your girls (and their outfits), and then replaying the...

  • As it turns out, this game is really cool! I don't know the history of this game, but this is from the days when I bought everything that came out on XBLA. As a result I tried many games that I never would have and I honestly love this game. You race around the board collecting items and eventually getting out of the exit to the next level before all of the mobs destroy you. ...

  • Raskulls is like Mr Driller and Mario Kart combined. You have the breaking through blocks and navigating through the level as fast a possible like Mr Driller, but the crazy powerups and seemingly cheap AI like Mario Kart. I wanted to use the term rubber banding, which if you didn't know is where in racing games the cars way behind get an advantage so they can catch up and...

  • Great conversion of a classic arcade game. It looks exactly how I remember it, plays exactly how I remember, and if you are reading this, you know exactly what the headline means. The integration of Xbox Live co-op is flawless, about as good as you can get without being next to your friends on that 4 player arcade cabinet. Unfortunately this game is no longer available on the...

  • Yes I am going to overrate this game, but that's because I loved this on my Gameboy. Not Gameboy Color, no GBA, DSnothing... original Gameboy. I will assume that no one is familiar with this game and describe it. The "Qix" is a moving object in the middle, originally there was only a single fractal slinky type thing, but now there are a few types (I guess...

  • As an old Intellivision gamer, I mistakenly thought this game was Tron Deadly Disks. Yeah, definitely not that game, however, I gave it a chance and it was still fun. Not great modern day fun, don't get me wrong, but the type of fun that comes from playing Pong. Yeah, Pong. Once you realize you can bank off the walls, this game reveals itself as just pong, with the opponent...

  • Uno is the greatest card game of all time in my opinion. Uno is like Tetris or chess, a game easy to learn the rules, but there is so much depth and strategy under the surface it'll take years to master. Seriously, I think that highly of Uno! Now about this Uno Rush version. Holy hell if you do not like to be rushed then stay the hell away from this game. It has made Uno...

  • I know I know, you'd think I would have tried a SIMS game before now, but they always seemed like a giant time sink that once I started I would never get out of. Well last week while at the barbershop I let my daughter play with my phone. I have no idea why out of the dozens of games she chose to start this one, but she did. Which naturally means now I have to play it because...

  • Being built like a stereotypical gamer (heavy), but occasionally motivated to get off my butt, I find this to be surprisingly useful. There is a LOT of free content in here, much of it free, so if you want to try it out I highly recommend it. This is the only fitness game I've tried on the new Kinect so I could be overly impressed for no reason, but this is MUCH better...

  • I love the wireless mics, they are cool as hell with the lights and how you it can tell your motions. That said, I mostly used the wired mics because I was grinding out cheevos. I now have something insane like 130+ songs for this game, because not only have I bought several of the DLC disks, but I just straight up bought a dozen of my favorite songs. The quality is...

  • Yeah, I said it - this was the best game of 2014. It takes the tired Assassin's Creed model, which I used to love, and does a great job of changing just enough to make it fun again. The combat is the Batman style that most games are emulating these days, but that's because it's good. The story is on the weak side, but they did a great job of making side missions more fun than...

  • I wasn't that into PlayStation when this game originally came out but I thought it was cool back then. When the game was remastered for the Gamecube is when I really got into the game. Unfortunately this remake does not see the same technical leap the original remaster had. Actually, having now beaten the game, I feel comfortable saying all that was done...

  • Skylanders is a hobby into itself thanks to all the collectibles and I very easily get roped into the "collect them all" mentality. This game, however, is a great starting point for anyone who is curious but intimidated and may feel like they have missed the boat. I have well over 100 figures from previous games, all of which are compatible, but I never...

  • I've been playing this game non stop for two days straight and my legs and shoulders are starting to feel it. My daughter won't stop playing the tennis and we both want to get in there and play more. The Kinect is so much better than it was in the first game and makes a lot of use of the new ability to see your hands. There was one point where my daughter was so frustrated that...

  • First let me get the obvious achievement whore stuff out of the way - yes this is a very quick 1000 points, you can boost it all yourself with any device that has a browser. So if you want points, "Yes, but the game". However, this game actually could be a FUN party game. Let's be honest, everyone has their damn cell phone in their hands at all...

  • Twisted Pixel has made some good game, and I've even loved many of them. But for me they've been missing the mark lately. I'm sorry, this is a stupid idea with completely ludicrous story, and worst of all - it's not even funny. This game tries so hard to be funny, but it's so not. I'm sure they had fun making it, and getting through the game wasn't completely unbearable...

  • I realize I'm in the minority, but I'm the vocal minority dammit! Like nearly everyone this generation I've played my share of Lego games. Like many people I have enjoyed at least some of them. I also collected Marvel comics hardcore for a decade (age 15-25) and love all of the Marvel movies and characters for the most part. But that does not mean this game doesn't suck...

  • This review is going to be very short and to the point. Mainly because that's what this game is - nothing. It's a twin stick shooter with an isometric view. The controls are okay, but there is zero depth here, even with the Halo skulls system. The main problem is this game is just not fun. In any way. There is some slight character progression and loadouts, but they aren't...

  • This game is called the "spiritual successor" to Panzer Dragoon, and maybe it is. I haven't played Panzer Dragoon, but what I have played is Rez HD on the 360 and this game reminds me of that. There was also a phone game called Crimson Dragon Side Story which I loved so this was a day one purchase for me. This style of game is more of a throwback to older game design....

  • Back when I was a kid, Pac-Man ruled the world. Single screen maze games were all the rage and there were endless takes on this concept. Obviously the "Pac-" games, but games like Lady Bug (Colecovision), Maze Craze (Atari 2600), Nightstalker (Intellivision) or Lock 'n' Chase (Intellivision) all were based on being chased through a maze. Eventually these moved to...

  • Zoo Tycoon is the typical launch title - clearly designed for last gen and just 'up-resed' for the Xbox One. This is most glaring by the limited size you can build your zoo. For the first few hours I was thoroughly enjoying picking up tiger poop and carefully designing my zoo so it could be explored in first person mode. But after the 'new game' luster wore off and the...

  • Let me start by saying a few caveats so you know where I'm coming from. I hate zombies, laziest video game bad guy.I didn't like the first Dead Rising.. so much so that I didn't play the second game, despite the reviews praising it's improvements. But hey, it's the launch of a new system so I play pretty much everything available. Be assured, I had low expectations for...