From Comic to Film


Why the hostility toward FF? Lol I wanted to watch that movie Frown
Mystic is in the current day movies. She is Magneto's second in command.
I read the books for over 10 years and I don't even know a character named Mystic. The closest is Mystique(she seemed to be second in command until she became human and was abandoned) and if you guys are shrinking the name for typing reasons I get it. As a shapeshifter her appearance as young is only odd when she was de-powered in X3. How Magneto handled that happening to her however makes him look horrible if they had been together for 40 years.
So, if this universe has a black Johnny Storm, fine. Think about the previous two FF movies. They took decent enough actors, used bits and highlights directly from classic FF and Ultimate FF, made the characters look almost exactly as they did in those books, and produced shit. So, how about they go the complete opposite direction? Start with the basic idea, and create something unique from the ground up.
Originally Posted by futiles
The two FF films did not do well because the stories were not good. The 2nd film was better then the first, but I barely remember the plots and that should say something. The films were entertaining at best. What would it take for you to say, that this is just a bad idea?
Now the movies are starting the same thing, keep the continuity of what we know, not too many franchise can pull of major character/actor changes... 007 being one that sticks out as standing the test if time, but the general public doesn't know the FF... So changing Johnny you have to change Sue I think its just going to look as a bad PC stunt..
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
That is just it, does Fox honestly think that putting a black guy in a suit will make this movie better? Or are they pandering to black audiences, because they think they will not go see a movie unless there are represented in some way. The studio sees Samuel Jackson as Fury (who is barely tolerable in the role), see the success of the Avengers and then try to do their version. Except there are only four character to choose from. I have yet to see a positive reaction from the Johnny Storm casting and the rest of the cast for that matter.

When it comes to 007, it again comes down to good stories that are executed well with good acting. Brosnen's run as 007 practically destroyed the franchise, not because he wasn't any good. It was because the stories were bad. Product placement (BMW), horrible cliche lines "I thought Christmas only comes once a year" Ugh. Who is the next bond girl? What are are his gadgets? became more important then the character and the story because the cold war that created him had run its course. Reboot, with a really good actor, great action and good story = A great movie in Casino Royal.
Except that you kind of make my point. The movies are not the comics, and never can be, so, why be held to them. Most people tend to think that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has done the best job, so far, and they did exactly like I said. Movies are their own entity. Let them stand alone.
Originally Posted by futiles
I would be fine with that except, X-men in particular have take elements from the comics and then executed them badly. Why not take the whole story because that is what make it good, its entirety and make that movie. The Walking Dead pulls it off because Kirkman is involved in the creative process writing and producing. I doubt they are tapping Chris Clarmont for his input when they should.
Does it make money? Then it will be overkill:

Young adult fiction is popular because of Harry Potter? Jump on that train with any slightly similar idea.

Those books made good movies? Make all of them movies.

Splitting the final book into two movies worked? Hello 2-part finales.

What is that, a game where you play guitar? How about 2, and play drums and sing, and one every year, maybe two a year?

Just look back over the past 30 years. If it was popular, and made money, it was copied, processed, and driven into the ground.
Originally Posted by futiles
I don't think there is a single movie out there that can't make a profit. US plus world release will always recoup their money back. Then you take the film to the next revenue levels, Airplanes, Hotels, Disc Rental, Disc Sales, Netflix streaming services, Pay Cable, Free TV. There is a lot of money to be made in shit movies. I think success is better measured by time. If it was done well it will last and the money will follow regardless.
I love industrialisms and excess!! I just can't wit to see the new Star Wars...and I wonder what there drawing that story from.. getting giddy, really hope they don't screw this up.

I'd like to see more of the crimson guards..
Originally Posted by B8TINGU
The base story is from a Lucas treatment. Writers were hired, JJ Abrahms is directing and I am worried. There were issues with the script, They are not giving the film enough development time and plan to release it in Dec of 2015!
Last edited 02-25-2014 at 05:10 PM by MarvzMitts.
I said if they fix it in Days. I saw a rumor that said they might have them warn Prof. X in the past of what happens which would allow him to take more steps to prevent it thus retconing X3. Personally since the announcement that the next movie after Days will be Age of Apocalypse I have doubted the rumor since if they fixed the current day why not place it during that time period for the next movie instead of going to the far future.
Originally Posted by Johndg
Oh, I must have miss read it then. Out of all post singer movies I have to say First Class was probably the best.
I am really looking forward to The Guardians of the Galaxy. I know absolutely nothing about these guys comic book or otherwise.
if u guys n gals have kids check out the new movie the lego movie
I would be fine with that except, X-men in particular have take elements from the comics and then executed them badly. Why not take the whole story because that is what make it good, its entirety and make that movie. The Walking Dead pulls it off because Kirkman is involved in the creative process writing and producing. I doubt they are tapping Chris Clarmont for his input when they should.
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
Well, the Walking Dead pulls it off because Kirkman said exactly what I have said above:

The Walking Dead TV show is NOT The Walking Dead Comic. It is an alternate reality. Some of the same high points are hit, but the people involve or the situation changes. And Kirkman does not write the show, he only produces. Gimple is the main writer.

Honestly, what makes the TV show so good is that it doesn't follow the comic exactly. If it did, you would get bored, and turn it off.
the walking dead is amazing not to get off topic but any1 seen the commercial for the need for speed movie?
Oh, I must have miss read it then. Out of all post singer movies I have to say First Class was probably the best.
Originally Posted by MarvzMitts
Well Singer produced First Class so he had some input and he is directing Days and Apocalypse so I am hopeful for the future of the franchise. The Wolverine was much better than origins and is also supposedly getting a sequel so I am hoping they keep going up in quality.
@ Mrszberry: It's not hostility that I show for the movie, it's hostility towards the dumb ideas behind it. I mean I'm and open minded guy, so who knows maybe they do something so cool I'll love it.. Happened with the Ghost Rider 2. Even the Amazing Spider-Man reboot is turning out far.

@ Marv: Good points I think I'm clcoesr to your opinions than anyones..

@ Futiles: Kirkman already stated that he is doing the tv show differently as this was his first choice venue for the comic, the comic took a (un)life lol sorry had to do that, of it's own and the writing and characters were tailored he took original ideas for the show and tweaked the, some he like others he ultimately didn't, so when it came time for the show he wanted to go back to what his original vision was but he also learned a lot from the comic and decided to keep some elements the same.. so it's a case of Art imitating life, imaging Art.. or something like that..

@ Chunky: I love d the LEGO movie it was AWESOME!!! and yea every new trailer and commercial I see for Need for Speed is making me want to see it.. sat first I thought it was just going to be a Fast N the Furious replacement.. lets hope that's not the case.

@ Whoever: because I can't keep track any Yea Samual Jackson as Fury was/is just dumb. I do like Samual Jackson but I hate the way he does it.. Samual Jackson is a very weird actor 90% of his movies are the same character, which is who how is.. i.e.. John Wayne, he never played anyone but himself, but Fury is such great character.. Iaughed when Tony made reference to the Life Model Decoy..

Ok enough ranting need to do other things.. Great thread!
Oddly enough, Nick Fury is actually based on Samuel Jackson:
Originally Posted by futiles
Ultimate Nick Fury maybe.. but original Nick Fury predates him by 30+ years.
Colonel Fury is the one you are referring to. They refer to him as a general, which would be the one I linked to...

Colonel Fury is the one you are referring to. They refer to him as a general, which would be the one I linked to...

Originally Posted by futiles
Whatever you never once said anything about General or Colonel, the fact remains that any version of NICK FURY is based off the stop trying to back peddle.. Smile to you too!

Just so you know, I'm not yelling or mad, I'm actually having a bit of fun with this back n forth.. so please don't tack any of the above as a harsh or rude.
Anybody else ready for Cap 2? I caught the extended trailer at the beginning of Thor 2 and it looks epic. I have also been a naysayer about Guardians of the Galaxy but the trailer looks pretty funny.

Marvel & Netflix are developing series on Luke Cage/Power Man, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, & DAREDEVIL THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR (SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! ).

No recent news on a Deadpool movie, although I'm not sure I want Fox to do it since their last stab at Deadpool in the Wolverine movie was an epic fail. Whywhywhy would you put the merc with a mouth in a movie & sew his mouth shut? Check out the Deadpool game though- it was a ton of fun.

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