Destiny Raid info


I think myself and Mixdj1 could make it...
Yeah, I'm trying to get one together for this evening and it looks like it should happen. Whether or not I can run one tomorrow may depend on how much gaming time (in general) I end up having between now and then. I've avoided the Crucible like the plague up until now so I decided to run it this week in order to knock out all (or at least most) of the MP achievements, including max crucible marks. I picked a bad week since unforeseen circumstances have pretty much boned me on gaming time up to this point. I still need 48 to max out (16-24 games @ roughly 10-15min per game) and only a few days left to get them. If the raid goes fairly smooth tonight and I end up with some free time to get some games in, I should be available tomorrow evening but I won't know until later.

At any rate, if you need one or two and see me on, shoot me a message.
I decided to make a push for lvl 4 in Iron Banner after all so I can get those gloves. Hit lvl 3 this morning, so making good progress. Bought the boots, since I like the perks better than the raid ones I have. Figure I need 1800 more XP, which I'll get 800 of from bounties. The other 1000 should only take about 4hrs, as long as I don't go on any lengthy losing streaks. I'll be on most of tomorrow trying to finish it up, but also have Monday night free, so am still up for getting some raids done either time if we have enough.
Ding! Hit lvl 4 already, may push for 5 so I can buy the scout rifle too, since it's a decent XP payout right now. With the IB Shader and Emblem equipped, plus the Tempered perk, I'm getting over 100XP per game, plus getting 242XP for each bounty (which is usually only 100XP base). Got my gauntlets, just need to level them up now and I'll hit rank 30.
Ding! Hit lvl 4 already, may push for 5 so I can buy the scout rifle too, since it's a decent XP payout right now. With the IB Shader and Emblem equipped, plus the Tempered perk, I'm getting over 100XP per game, plus getting 242XP for each bounty (which is usually only 100XP base). Got my gauntlets, just need to level them up now and I'll hit rank 30.
Originally Posted by Buckswana
I think you're really getting sucked into this game... Wink Better watch out, might catch you soon!
Finally ran my first one. It was tougher than I expected, yet pretty fun! Ended up with Kabr's Wrath chest piece and a Plan C exotic fusion rifle as well as several shards & energy. Considering how many people run the thing and end up getting a dumbass shader or a dress or some other worthless turd, I consider myself very lucky (for once).

Knocked out most of the MP achievements as well. I think all I have left is the kills with heavy weapons achievement and the one for a triple kill containing all three classes...which is highly unlikely to ever happen considering the ratio of Warlocks to everything else. Doesn't matter though...finishing a raid with nobody dying seems almost impossible to me so the game is virtually uncompletable anyway. I just want to get as close as I can.

Edit: I forgot, I also have the one for capturing points in salvage. Um, wtf is Salvage? Lol I see no playlist of that name. Is it a recurring special event or something?
Last edited 11-23-2014 at 11:18 PM by SG Steelhead.
I think you're really getting sucked into this game... Wink Better watch out, might catch you soon!
Originally Posted by Fshguy
I've been sucked into it since it came out. Wink Usually get one game a year that I play for a few months, actually have 2 now with HMCC as well.

Finally ran my first one. It was tougher than I expected, yet pretty fun! Ended up with Kabr's Wrath chest piece and a Plan C exotic fusion rifle as well as several shards & energy. Considering how many people run the thing and end up getting a dumbass shader or a dress or some other worthless turd, I consider myself very lucky (for once).

Knocked out most of the MP achievements as well. I think all I have left is the kills with heavy weapons achievement and the one for a triple kill containing all three classes...which is highly unlikely to ever happen considering the ratio of Warlocks to everything else. Doesn't matter though...finishing a raid with nobody dying seems almost impossible to me so the game is virtually uncompletable anyway. I just want to get as close as I can.

Edit: I forgot, I also have the one for capturing points in salvage. Um, wtf is Salvage? Lol I see no playlist of that name. Is it a recurring special event or something?
Originally Posted by SG Steelhead
Nice! Consider yourself lucky, I've gotten 4 pieces of armor and 4 weapons total after running 22 raids with all 3 characters combined. So, I average 1 piece of armor and 1 weapon every 5.5 runs through. Hotdog's had about the same (if not even worse) luck than I have. Then you hear of people who get 4 pieces of armor in one raid...

Heavy weapons kills will come with time, and a good rocket launcher. Once you know the maps and where the ammo drops are, you can be ready for them when you hear they're incoming. The triple kill is all luck. I didn't think I'd ever get it and would need friends to help me out, then got it by chance in a control game. Titan ground pound or Warlock super charge are both good for clearing a circle of guys trying to cap it. Salvage is not available all the time, and usually is only on alternate weekends. May be back this week, since they just had Iron Banner. It's only 3v3, which can really suck if the other team is well organized. Really need 3 people with mics to make it easier. I've got everything but raid w/o dying, and don't expect to get it, but it may be easier to do the first one once you can level up more with DLC updates.

I'm still up for a raid or 5 tonight if people want to try to squeeze any in before the weekly reset. I hit lvl 5 in Iron Banner, then went and did some grinding for glimmer. Got enough to buy both sets of gauntlets and boots (one for auto rifles, one for scouts), as well as the fusion rifle, scout rifle, Titan mark and lvl 5 shader. I may go grind some more tonight and buy 2 more of the fusion rifles (one for each guy), because they're awesome. Will probably pick up a couple of extra emblems and shaders for my other characters too, for next time IB comes around.
Last edited 11-24-2014 at 03:59 PM by Buckswana.
I'd be up for one tonight... Tomorrow or Wednesday, I have an extra guy to bring along.

How long before the new DLC? Seems as if this will add another round of the next level of armor/weapons to go for.
I think the DLC was dated for Dec. 9. Will be new weapons and armor, as well as exotic shards and energy that can upgrade items from legendary to exotic or something like that. New raid and strike as well as a few more missions.
Are you sure there's a new strike? I know the PS4 is getting a strike that XB1 players won't get for a year, which sucks. Maybe they're getting two and XB1 is getting one?

I'm still undecided. I want it and enjoy the game (ticker just passed the 200 hour mark...30 cents per hour of enjoyment! Cheap entertainment!) but the fact that they're holding back content AGAIN is really pissing me off so I may skip it. I have several games still in the wrappers that need my attention anyway. We'll see, I guess
Are you sure there's a new strike? I know the PS4 is getting a strike that XB1 players won't get for a year, which sucks. Maybe they're getting two and XB1 is getting one?

I'm still undecided. I want it and enjoy the game (ticker just passed the 200 hour mark...30 cents per hour of enjoyment! Cheap entertainment!) but the fact that they're holding back content AGAIN is really pissing me off so I may skip it. I have several games still in the wrappers that need my attention anyway. We'll see, I guess
Originally Posted by SG Steelhead
There was a lot of disappointment about this game could have been, but yet people are still playing it... I guess they did some stuff right somewhere. I really wish they would be adding some of this content as a non-paid DLC update myself.

My bet is a lot of people will be buying the DLC despite themselves, if they are still playing the game at this point.
Are you sure there's a new strike? I know the PS4 is getting a strike that XB1 players won't get for a year, which sucks. Maybe they're getting two and XB1 is getting one?
Originally Posted by SG Steelhead
PSN is getting two, and XBL is getting one. Which makes PSN having(will have) 7 overall, and XBL having(will have) 5.

I, for one, will not purchase this DLC at full price, as I am not getting the full amount of content from it. Maybe in a year when the put the Season Pass on sale, I'll think about it. But to short me roughly 20% of the content but charge me the full price is not a great boost to consumer satisfaction.
Are you sure there's a new strike? I know the PS4 is getting a strike that XB1 players won't get for a year, which sucks. Maybe they're getting two and XB1 is getting one?

I'm still undecided. I want it and enjoy the game (ticker just passed the 200 hour mark...30 cents per hour of enjoyment! Cheap entertainment!) but the fact that they're holding back content AGAIN is really pissing me off so I may skip it. I have several games still in the wrappers that need my attention anyway. We'll see, I guess
Originally Posted by SG Steelhead
Yes, 2 strikes for PS4, one is exclusive until fall of 2015. Part of the reason so many people are mad, since PS4 is getting so much more attention/exclusives than XB1 for the same money. I've already got the season pass, so I'm in either way.
It wouldn't be so bad if the exact same strike didn't come up 3-4 times in a row when in the playlist due to lack of variety. Well, that shit is pretty sad even with the current limited variety but you get my point.

My bet is a lot of people will be buying the DLC despite themselves, if they are still playing the game at this point.
Originally Posted by Fshguy
Probably, but if you rub my nose in it I will be hitting on your mom the next time she drops by AchievementFest :shocked: Lol
Probably, but if you rub my nose in it I will be hitting on your mom the next time she drops by AchievementFest :shocked: Lol
Originally Posted by SG Steelhead
Why does it seem like everybody wants to get together with my mother? Probably the best offer I've heard lately, I mean she would like a guy with a job, hair and all of his teeth. But, it really seems hard to find guys like that now days. Smile
I have a job!

One out of three ain't bad, right? Lol
Why does it seem like everybody wants to get together with my mother? Probably the best offer I've heard lately, I mean she would like a guy with a job, hair and all of his teeth. But, it really seems hard to find guys like that now days. Smile
Originally Posted by Fshguy
How much hair? j/k

Hoping we can give this a shot again this week, wasn't able to get any raids done at all last week (bummer). I'm hopefully free this weekend, so may make it a little easier to hook up at some point.
How much hair? j/k

Hoping we can give this a shot again this week, wasn't able to get any raids done at all last week (bummer). I'm hopefully free this weekend, so may make it a little easier to hook up at some point.
Originally Posted by Buckswana
Bucks got the whole trifecta...

I'm usually available...
Are there no achievements tied to the DLC? I haven't seen any mention of it anywhere....

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