Epic Challenge 2020

Gaming Chat

Completion #25
The LEGO NINJAGO Movie Video Game
2.70 - Master of Completion

Completion #26
1.68 - HI SCORE MODE 2,000,000 points
Completion #4
A Winter's Daydream
1.01 - End of the story

Completion #5
1.01 - Asked For That One
Completion #9
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition
2.16 (Human Cannonball)
Completion #6
Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet
1.02 - Good Ending Collector
Completion #67
Barbie and her Sisters Puppy Rescue
1.26 (several)

Completion #68
DUCATI - 90th Anniversary
2.11 (Title winner)

Completion #69
Gimme Five (Win 10)
2.59 (Unlock Master)

Completion #70
Super Destronaut: Land Wars
1.06 (several)

Completion #71
Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet
1.02 (several)

Completion #72
Thunder Paw
1.13 (several)
Completion #12
D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die
4.88 (Hard Worker)
Completion #9
Mushroom Quest
1.03 - 6-pack #5

Completion #10
1.06 - Above the Sky
Completion #15
Super Destronaut: Land Wars
1.06 - Increasing difficulty
Completio #11
Super Wiloo Demake
1.03 - Friends again
Completion #13
Milo's Quest
1.04 - I can see things
Completion #14
Project Starship
1.04 - It asked for it III
Completion #15
Without Escape
1.04 - Where's everything?
Completion #16
Super Box Land Demake
1.04 - Master Pusher
Update through end of March:


Epic Score
SmokenRocket 110.9
BigNev44 76.6
Nova Toad 52.3
Elem3ntal80 44.5
LausDomini 37.7
PirateSpirit 28.3
jeffmomm 26.1
Tribrid Shifter 20.3
pTartTX 19.1
Cangemi 16.7
MrGompers 15.5
Buckswana 6.8

SmokenRocket 66
Nova Toad 26
BigNev44 21
Tribrid Shifter 17
Cangemi 14
Elem3ntal80 12
LausDomini 12
PirateSpirit 11
MrGompers 10
jeffmomm 9
pTartTX 9
Buckswana 6

Epic Score / Completion
Elem3ntal80 3.71
BigNev44 3.65
LausDomini 3.14
PirateSpirit 2.57
Nova Toad 2.01
SmokenRocket 1.68
MrGompers 1.55
Tribrid Shifter 1.19
Cangemi 1.19
Completion #17
Surviving Mars
4.92 - The New Ark

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