Completionist Kingdom

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This is a competition (strategy game kinda) that I am thinking about running on TrueAchievements, please let me know your thoughts.

UPDATE: At the end of each month I will be giving away a new XBox 360 or XBox One game ($60 Value) to the player that is in first place at the end of that month. This Prize will be given only to those that are Paid Participation Players. If a Free Participation Player is in first place at the end of the month, they will be upgraded to a Paid Participation Member.

Grand Prize: Winner of Completionist Kingdom (The last player remaining) will receive 5 new XBox 360 or XBox One games ($300 value). Only eligible to Paid Participation Players.

I will run this game as many times as their is interest.

The first game will start when 25 players (Combined between Free and Paid) sign up to participate.

Leaderboards: Completionist Kingdom (View TA blog to access link as I did not want to post links on this website without permission)
Forums: Completionist Kingdom Forum (View TA blog to access link as I did not want to post links on this website without permission)

If there is enough interest in having me run this strategy game for Completionists, I will create a Leaderboard and setup forums within TA for communication.

-----To join a player must remain as a follower on my blog. Makes it easier to read the updates.
-----A Player must also choose Free Participation or Paid Participation.
-----A Free Participation Player in first place at the end of the month will be upgraded to a Paid Participation Member at no cost.
-----Paid Participation is $10 and a Paid Participation Player in first place at the end of the month will receive a new XBox 360 or XBox One game ($60 value).
-----Players may build a new City after being eliminated. The cost is $10 to and a 2 week construction phase must complete before being able to continue. (This prevents new cities from being built when a winner is close to being declared).
-----In the event that the game has ended and a winner declared with Players in a construction phase, a refund will be given.
-----New players may join mid game, but must go through the 2 week construction phase.

I think I covered everything below.


-----Step 1: Choose a name for your Kingdom and your City.

-----Step 2: Receive your 10,000 Draconian Scales
These work as currency for the game. They can be used to hire groups to attack or to defend.

-----Each Player may be involved in only a single battle at a time.
-----If a Player runs out of Draconian Scales, they are eliminated.
-----A Player may not start a game on their opponents list before submitting a list of their own.
-----A Defending Player must submit a list within 3 Days or loses automatically.
-----A Player may setup a 1 week vacation but must schedule it 1 month in advance,
-----A Player may not setup more than 1 vacation at a time.
-----Achievements must be earned while connected to XBox Live.
-----The winner is the Player who amasses the entire wealth of Completionist Kingdom (Ends up with all Draconian Scales (10,000 per Player).

-----Attacking: To Be the Attacker or To Be the One Attacked?
Attacks against other players cities can be made at anytime without warning. You can declare a City to attack or wait and defend your own City.
To create an attack you must hire Soldiers at the cost of 1,000 Draconian Scales.

-----Combat: How It All Works.
The attacker will submit a list of 10 games they have 100% complete (Including DLC). The amount of games can be lowered by hiring additional Soldiers to attack at a cost of 1,000 Draconian Scales per game to remove.
(Note: Games chosen must be available for download or purchase and must have all achievements able to be unlocked).

-----Combat Continued: Defenders Role
Defender has no upfront cost for Soldiers and just needs to submit a list of 10 games they have 100% complete (Including DLC). The amount of games can also be lowered by hiring additional Soldiers to defend at a cost of 1,000 Draconian Scales per game to remove.

-----Home Field Advantage: Planning Ahead
Defenders have the advantage of specifying which types of games are allowed to be chosen. They may choose to restrict a specific device (such as Arcade only or Windows Phone). They may choose as many devices as they wish, but Retail games cannot be restricted. The full list of devices is posted below.
If the Attacker has chosen a game on a device that becomes restricted, they will need to choose a replacement or pay 1,000 Draconian Scales to have the game removed. The Defenders list cannot have any restricted games either.

-----Outcome: Determining a Victor
The first Player to have a completed game from the opponents list will win the battle.

-----Spoils: Who Gets What?
In the event that the Attacking Player is the victor, they will receive any Draconian Scales the Defender paid for Soldiers. They will also control the Defenders City and thus expand their Kingdom.
In the event that the Defending Player is the victor, they will receive any Draconian Scales the Attacker paid for Soldiers. They will also receive a one week immunity from attacks.

-----Expanding Your Kingdom: Cities, Cities, and More Cities
Each additional City within your Kingdom will pay taxes of 100 Draconian Scales each week. You however will be required to defend any attacks on these cities to keep them safe within your Kingdom.

-----Revolting: I Just Wanna Go Home
If someone else controls your city, do not fret, REVOLT. By choosing to Revolt you must gather townspeople to see the injustice of the controlling Kingdom (Pay 1,000 Draconian Scales). You then select a list of 10 games. This list cannot be lowered for additional costs.

-----Keeping the Peace: Attack From Within
If a City you control Revolts against you, you may choose any restrictions on devices allowed, then select a list of a single game.

-----Revolution: Has the Government Been Overthrown
If the Revolting Player is the victor, their City is removed from the controlling Kingdom and becomes independent once again.
If the controlling Kingdom is the victor, they receive the spoils of war (1,000 Draconian Scales).

-----Ransacking: Attacking Your Own City
Low on Draconian Scales, what better way to earn them then attacking a City YOU control. However the risk may not be worth the reward. Make a list of 10 games. This list cannot be lowered.
If you are the victor, you will receive 1,000 Draconian Scales for spoils.

Cruel Government: Attacked By Your Own Protector
Choose a single game for your opponent to complete.
If you are the victor, freedom is yours. Your City is independent once again. You also leave with 50% of the now previous Kingdoms treasury (Half of their total Draconian Scales).

-----Devices: What You Can Restrict
Kinect Based Games
Games for Windows Live Games
Multiplayer Games (Games with Online based achievements)
Windows 8 Games
Windows Phone 7 Games
Windows Phone 8 Games
XBox Live Arcade Games
Stackable Games (Choosing this restriction will make it so that you can complete any version of a Stackable game instead of the one chosen by the opponent). Example: Buku Sudoku has 3 versions (Normal, Japanese, Mexican) You would only need to complete 1 of your choice.
sounds interesting but a bit complicated, could be fun though
I think I will stick with whoever unlocks the most wins. Makes it much simpler for myself and others to understand.
It basically boils down to Attack a player, each person makes a list of games, whoever completes one of the opponents games first is the winner.

You can only choose games that you have completed yourself and the defending player can choose to remove devices from the choice (It wouldn't be fair to have Japanese games completed and attack those that don't have a console to play them just for an easy win)

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