Summer Plans: 2010 Edition

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No one has posted in this section of the forums since January, and I had noticed that there was a discussion for last summer... So, time to discuss what you're currently doing for summer 2010 (or will be doing)!

For myself, this summer has been about working so I can afford an apartment with my friend when I start university in February

I just graduated, so there have been a lot of parties all across the state that I've been trying to make appearances at before everyone moves off to their own lives in the real world

My parents have been helping me polish my Japanese for when I move, which has been as frustrating as it has been rewarding

I'd also like to take a few trips across the country, since I'm not sure when I'll have the opportunity to do that again until I finish school

Can't wait to hear what everyone else has to say!
i'll probably be going out to a friend's cabin in August to hang out and see the Perseids meteor shower, and in October i'm going to Vegas for a wedding. should be interesting
Jesus, why are your pastimes so much more inspirational and badass that ours, OT?

Apart from the wedding, which'll be mad... I presume there's a theme?

For me... I'm the the great position of finishing my internship on the 23rd of July. And since I go to university in Switzerland, semesters start EARLY.

As in July 25th. (and the semester finished mid december... LONG)

So, for my two days of summer holiday, I shall be sleeping, eating, playing WoW and generally relaxing. Maybe I'll bicycle in the country, but I know for a fact that I will be chilling.
actually yes, it's on halloween. still thinking of possible costumes, too.
They don't happen to be all gothic, do they?

Why not escape the norm and go as something more complex than dracula? :P

Like... I dunno... something mythic and scary. Like a Werewolf. Good luck finding a costume though. Although, you could just take a gorilla costume minus the mask and then wear a wolf mask. Not a full face one, but one with elastic so you can take it off easily?
i don't think so, but i don't know, i wasn't leaning towards the horror stuff anyway.
What did you have in mind?
No!~ You need to go as Spike from Cowboy Bebop!!!
Now that's an excellent suggestion. Cowboy Bebop kicks ass...

what about Vash the Stampede from Trigun?
i'm not sure i could ever pull off the hair of any anime characters, much less do their costumes justice the way most cosplayers do. if and when i do it, i want to do it right
Fair enough. Is your hair anything like your pic on the staff page?
Hehe... with a Mullet like that, going as Solid Snake isn't out of the question...
Oh my goodness!!! Do it! You need an eye-patch!~ Big Grin
i've considered that as well, but again, not the right hair. i have a friend who would make a great Snake though, and he likes the character much more than i do.
What would you do, then?
no idea, something simple unless i come up with a respectable Spike costume out of nowhere
You could always get a haircut and go as Jack Bauer.

You'd just have to talk in a really loud stage whisper most of the time, and when something goes slightly wrong, you'll have to shout "DAMN IT!".

And you have to look really broodily at your watch.
I'm still going with the Spike vote!

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