Any Special

Do any character's special/hidden trick!

  • thanatos8285

    thanatos8285 posted the following guide:

    (Cross-posted in the Every Flip, Every Grab, Every Grind, Any Special, and All Specials achievements)

    These 5 achievements will be the biggest grind of the game. If you're like me and refused to spend real money, this will take a while, since you're going to have to earn every cred. Creds accumulate at a rate of 1% of your run score. A 10,000 point run will net you 100 creds. New stat points cost 4,000 creds each (I bought exactly 1 stat point - an air boost for Eddie), new tricks cost 15,000 creds (you'll be buying 15), and new skaters cost 50,000 creds (5 of them to buy). I had to spend 479,000 creds to complete this game. Which means I had to accumulate 47,900,000 points. Spending a bit of cash can help you earn double creds, which would've cut my point total to 23,950,000 points. That's still a lot. So this guide is going to map out my road to 47,900,000 points. Take it for what it's worth, maybe you'll find a better way.

    The key to my approach was timed runs and spins. Spins dramatically increase your rate of point accumulation, and as for timed runs, each consecutive time you do a trick in a single run, it's worth less. Timed runs mean that every 2 minutes, your tricks are reset to their maximum value, and if you bail, you get to just stand up and try again, losing only maybe 4-5 seconds, instead of having to quit out, maybe sit through an ad, pick your level, and try again.

    Points came slow in the early going, but the more tricks I got, the faster the points came. The reason for this is that, the more tricks I had, the fewer tricks I had to repeat in the same run, keeping point values up. As for spins, with level 1 spin and level 2 air, I could reliably hit a 540 on every trick. Once in a while in certain areas inside the school, I had to settle for 360, but 540 was the norm. When I started grinding creds, I had only unlocked the starting moves: kickflip, heelflip, melon, and method (and the two grinds). So I would start skating, and hit a 540 heelflip. Then a 540 kickflip. Then a 540 melon. And finally a 540 method. Then I'd start over with a 540 heelflip. So on and so forth until 2 minutes were up. With only 4 tricks, they devalued quickly, and a good run would net me maybe 500 creds. Sooner or later though, I had 15,000 creds, and I was able to buy the next flip trick, the 360 flip. So I would then add a 540 360 flip to the rotation, and repeat until I was back at 15,000 creds, at which point I was able to add a 540 impossible to the rotation. Each new trick made my creds accumulate a bit faster. By the time I had all 8 flips and grabs, if I had a good run where I could hit all 16, I'd bring in 1,500 creds. Bad levels that were mostly grinds would still leave me with 700 (quite the contrast from 500 being a GOOD run). This of course resulted in the Every Flip and Every Grab achievements. This is where my cred accumulation plateaued, since grinds aren't worth much. But nonetheless, I ground out another 45,000 creds to buy the other 3 grinds, giving me the Every Grind achievement.

    Once all tricks were unlocked, it was time to start chugging away at the skaters. After getting the first 50,000 and buying the first skater, hitting their special granted the Any Special achievement. Rinse and repeat 4 more times for the other 4 skaters along with their specials, which finally wraps up the All Specials achievement.

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