Games With Gold question

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What do you do with your disc copy of a game made available through Games With Gold?

(You may not vote on this poll)

× 30 (50.00%) Keep it, I'm a collector

× 22 (36.67%) Sell it, trade it, give it away...its more space and money for more games

× 2 (3.33%) Turn it into a drink coaster or hang it from the rearview mirror

× 6 (10.00%) Games With What?

  • Added 12-30-2014 02:28 PM
  • 60 votes
To be blunt, with regards to the start of your post, the person in that situation should not buy an Xbox One. That is not the financially responsible purchase, so, whatever restrictions apply to it should not be a consideration. That person should be looking at last generation consoles and games to maximize financial efficiency. So, that person should not influence the features of the X1, but, sadly, that person did, repeatedly.
Originally Posted by futiles
That sounds logical and it's what I'm doing. However, there are some lucky people who have found themselves with an Xbox One who couldn't afford any extra required things. Without the internet I'd imagine being a Destiny raid leader would be out of the question but they can still borrow games from their friends. Everyone with an Xbox One hasn't had to buy it. Some people won it thru a contest and Microsoft gave it away. Being forced to also pay for an internet connection that doesn't even earn Microsoft money sounds unneeded. You need the Internet in order to play multiplayer, but you don't need it for any single player games which to me are more fun anyways.

Why should anyone honestly be exempt from having their opinions count? That sounds like one hell of a conceited opinion
That sounds logical and it's what I'm doing. However, there are some lucky people who have found themselves with an Xbox One who couldn't afford any extra required things. Without the internet I'd imagine being a Destiny raid leader would be out of the question but they can still borrow games from their friends. Everyone with an Xbox One hasn't had to buy it. Some people won it thru a contest and Microsoft gave it away. Being forced to also pay for an internet connection that doesn't even earn Microsoft money sounds unneeded. You need the Internet in order to play multiplayer, but you don't need it for any single player games which to me are more fun anyways.

Why should anyone honestly be exempt from having their opinions count? That sounds like one hell of a conceited opinion
Originally Posted by Infected Stray
They did have options, it just would have been that keeping it might not have been one. If money was that tight, then selling the console probably made more sense. Their options still counted. Why is "not having it" an option that doesn't count? Why is everyone entitled to have the option to have it? Seriously, that is what is wrong here. Everyone gets a trophy their entire life for just putting on a uniform, and they cannot handle no anymore. And when someone says no, and has a valid reason for it, people riot. Remember the naval submarine crew member that said his sub doesn't have internet for more than 24 hour hours at a time, and the response was, "this isn't the product for you." That was met with a wall of hate, but, you know, was 100% accurate. It wasn't "we hate you and you cannot have one." It was "this product and your life do not mesh." But, people cannot handle that, so, we got almost the exact same consoles this gen as we did last gen, to which there has been endless bitching about it being exactly the same thing.

But, maybe I am just jadded by entitled assholes. When ever we plan achievement fest I get e-mails and Live messages about how it isn't fair that it is the wrong weekend, or too far away, or costs too much, or whatever else. To them, I either don't reply and just block (usually) or I respond "This event isn't for you." (and then block)

I understand the frustration with people's entitlement issues. I have to deal with it a lot at my work. What I don't get (and your argument is a valid and well-articulated one, by the way) is why wanting a video game console to be able to simply play video games without purchasing anything extra to make it work is entitlement? Certainly, assuming that because I played Xbox and Xbox 360 games means that I should get a free Xbox One when Microsoft does such a promotion would be entitlement. While I like the options to play online, to watch Netflix, watch YouTube, and connect to Internet Explorer on my Xbox, I believe that a video game console should allow people to play video games. I know that it is the new generation and that digital media is prevalent / ubiquitous these days. but would you have purchased an Xbox 360 if Xbox Live was a requirement to play a single player game? What about an NES; would you have bought that if you needed to purchase another, unrelated service (such as cable TV or telephone service), just to play games like Legend of Zelda and Megaman?
If you think that I feel entitled just because I believe that a gaming console should provide a gaming experience first and foremost, then perhaps I do feel a little entitled. Just like I feel that my phone should make phone calls first and play games and access the internet as an afterthought. Or that my automobile should allow me to drive from place to place without requiring me to purchase OnStar or some sort of streaming service for add-on media players for the children.

For those of you who feel that we've high jacked this thread with this discussion, I'm sorry.
Achievement-fest is one thing and I agree with you completely. Saying that people who own something but can't use it without an unneeded feature is ridiculous. What if Steelhead gave you a car and he told you it's all yours but you can't drive it because it's missing satellite radio? What if you lived where you couldn't get to work unless you had that car? You wouldn't sell that car and you would find yourself in a upsetting situation. The same applied to owning an Xbox One. After someone has lost their job they feel lonely, depressed, and hateful towards the world, especially in this day in age where kids who graduate college can't find jobs. A lot of people find solace in games. They can feel connected with characters in a game, proud with their success when they beat one or get an achievement, and enjoy life of some kind because of it.

Why sell something that keeps you sane, or helps in your situation? There is too much stuff lying around people's environments usually that could be sold instead. Hyrule just proved that fact, he was able to lose his job, still acquire an Xbox One, find income in other areas, and stay sane enough to find another job. That is how you deal with life and this is to be commendable.

I can even see soldiers being pissed off if they were sent an Xbox One but they couldn't use it without being online. Sure they get their breaks at times, but I'm sure their sanity needs breaks more often than Xbox One with it's constant internet connectivity requirement thought about. Microsoft wasn't thinking about people who have jobs to do, or soldiers who take care of business. When they released the system, they were thinking about how much money they would make. You can't fault them for that though, they are a business first.

Did you know that Diablo 3 had the same stipulations when it first came out? Enough people thought it was such a crap idea that it was scrapped which in turn made people happy enough to buy the game. Without doing that I bet that the expansion would have been left on the back burner for a longer time.
It depends if I really like the game or not. If not, then I'd just sell it.
The entitlement is thinking you have to have it. When the feature was announced, NO ONE HAD ONE, so, no one had lost anything, AT ALL. It was a product with specific features and requirements. If it fit your needs and ability, great, otherwise, pass.

I speak from experience. When my wife and I got married, she was finishing her final year of college. My salary was $1300/month take home. Our bills were $1350/month. I had the ability for overtime, and I took it, and we were able to make ends meet, but, I made do without. I actually did win a game console at a giveaway. I sold it for $200. Because keeping it, buying games at $30-$50/ each, and overall ownership of it was not the proper choice for my situation. But, the $200 made up the gap in bills for 4 months. I went without cable and internet. I read, a lot.

If Steelhead offered me a car, and required Sirius/XM, I would look at the cost versus the reward. Would it eliminate a car note, bus fare, train fare, etc? Is the radio cheaper or more expensive? And either accept, or pass, or sell the car if that was an option, passing on the Sirius/XM requirement. Again, I have been through this. After Hurricane Katrina, I was given the option to accept a grant from the federal government, with stipulations. I accepted, and fulfilled the stipulations. But, when people were complaining about X1/online-only, no one had been given one, so, that is a poor analogy.

A better analogy is the choice of the consumer to buy. I camp. I have a PALACE of a tent. 10'x14'x7'. It is gigantic. It weighs over 30 pounds. When I camp for 2+ nights, that is the tent I take, because it is excellent. But, when I camp for 1 night, or I backpack, I don't bring that tent, because it is the wrong item for my needs. So, I have a different tent for that situation. So, people complaining about not being able to take an X1 tailgating (yes, that was an actual complaint), or camping (really, another one), or having spotty internet, or whatever, then the X1 was not the right consumer choice.

The entitlement was that SO MANY gamers came out all over the web with the statement that their console needed to work their way, when NO ONE had a console. It wasn't theirs, and they had every opportunity to not ever have it. Why were they required to be able to have it? You know, I can never use many vehicles. 75% of many consumer products do not work for me. So, why are these companies making them work for me just in case I want one? I think Nissan needs to make a Juke that fits a 6'5", 350lb man, and that doesn't require a monthly fuel purchase just to use and it is complete bullshit that they don't. (See what that looks like...)
It depends if I really like the game or not. If not, then I'd just sell it.
Originally Posted by Eria
Thanks for getting us back on track! We needed it - I was getting tired of debating with two people I call friends.

I've already said what I thought about collecting games. I'm aggravated I ever sold any of my first Xbox and X360 games, B8TINGU has the right idea. Now on I plan on doing the same as him. Hoard... I mean collect everything!

futiles, I respect you to the max brother, you're truly an intelligent and logical cat, but being forced to buy unneeded equipment is one way to make someone like me not care about the main product.

That's it!
*BOOM* - Drops the mic.
*CRUNCH* - Trips off pedestal.
*SPLASH* - Falls off stage into orchestra pit...
If Steelhead offered me a car, and required Sirius/XM, I would look at the cost versus the reward. Would it eliminate a car note, bus fare, train fare, etc? Is the radio cheaper or more expensive? And either accept, or pass, or sell the car if that was an option, passing on the Sirius/XM requirement.
Originally Posted by futiles

Sorry futiles, you're right it is a bad analogy. I live in the deepest of the deep south, around where there are no taxis, buss' or trains so when I talk to people in real life I wouldn't have had to bring that up. I'm new to talking on the Internet when it comes to other places besides Facebook - I have a few friends on there, most of them have to have a car in order to make it to work, and some of them are from famous underground bands - but talking on forums like this will take my over opinionated, ill informed ass a little while to get the hang of. Sorry for annoying you.

Dude, have you seen the scene from the movie Police Academy (can't remember which one) where Officer Hightower rips out the driver seat and sits in the back set so he's comfortable driving? That sounds like something that might benefit a big man like you. Don't feel bad though, my brother is closing in on 400 pounds and used to drive a tiny hatchback car that made a Prius look average.

Sorry for the double post, I don't like that it happened either. I wanted to make sure I quoted the excellent response from futiles though because I feel like an ass for writing what I wrote.
futiles, I never felt that I had to have an Xbox One. Had Microsoft not changed their policy, I would not have bought one. (And to clear up a piece of information that was apparently misunderstood from a previous post, I bought a 360 when I wasn't working, and that was about 4 years ago; not a brand new Xbox One). As a consumer, I have a right to not purchase an item, as you've pointed out. I also have a right to free speech and stating why I don't want to purchase a particular product. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but IIRC, you've stated that you won't purchase DC comics currently because of your frustration with and/or dislike of the way they deal with the Multiverse and retcons. That is you stating you won't purchase a product because you dislike how the company is producing it. That is the same as the people who felt as I felt about the policy that Microsoft had when we stated on the Microsoft and other forums that we did not intent to purchase Xbox One consoles based upon the information they had provided to consumers at that time. Microsoft is a business and they felt that enough consumers did not want to purchase the product as it was that it warranted a change in the product before final release. This will be my last post on this topic (in this thread at least, if you want to continue the discussion, perhaps we should make a dedicated thread so that this one can stay on topic). I don't see how people telling a company why they won't purchase a product is feeling that they have to have it or that they are entitled to have it. But perhaps you and I will just have to agree to disagree because it seems that neither of us will sway the other to their own way of thinking about the subject.

But yes, I tend to save my discs, even if I have the game from Games with Gold. Some games I donate to a communal games library on another website that I frequent. I also share my discs with friends; something that cannot be done with digital only.
I haven't had a game become available Games With Gold that I owned. But I have definitely picked a few games from Games With Gold. Don't always get them if they don't intrigue me.
I still use the disc version of a game and download the digital version as a backup in case the disc gets scratched. I'll delete the digital version so it's available in my download history if I need it.

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